
Authoritarian regimes: concept, signs and types

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Authoritarian regimes: concept, signs and types
Authoritarian regimes: concept, signs and types

Video: Understanding what authoritarianism is | University of Amsterdam | Political Science Department 2024, July

Video: Understanding what authoritarianism is | University of Amsterdam | Political Science Department 2024, July

Authoritarian regimes can be seen as a kind of “compromise” between democratic and totalitarian political systems. According to a study conducted in 1992 by the Freedom House international organization, of the 186 countries in the world, only 75, from the point of view of democracy, are “free, ” 38 are “not free, ” and 73 are “partially free.” ". At the same time, Russia falls into the latter category, which means that its political structure can also be considered authoritarian. Is it really? Let's try to figure this out together.


Authoritarian regimes: concept and conditions of occurrence

Everything in our life develops cyclically, including the structure of society. As a transitional form from totalitarianism to democracy, authoritarian regimes often arise in countries where, along with the change in the social system, a pronounced polarization of political forces takes place. Often they form where long-term political and economic crises are observed, the overcoming of which in a democratic way is very problematic. Authoritarian regimes often start in extreme conditions, when the country needs to restore order and ensure normal living conditions for society. One person or a small group of people concentrates in their hands the main functions of political power, the existence of the opposition, if allowed, with very limited possibilities for action. The media has strict censorship, the ruling organizations control public organizations, and the participation of the population in governing the country is minimized. At the same time, authoritarian regimes allow the existence of representative bodies, discussions, referenda can be held, etc. However, the results of the voting are often falsified, and public opinion in the media is “fabricated” by the authorities, that is, a certain ideology is imposed on society. Although the freedoms and rights of a citizen are proclaimed, the state does not really ensure them. In order to maintain their existence, authoritarian regimes subjugate the courts and law enforcement agencies. Public administration is carried out mainly by command and administrative methods, while there is no mass terror.
