
Biography of Irina Deriglazova: fencing, as the meaning of life

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Biography of Irina Deriglazova: fencing, as the meaning of life
Biography of Irina Deriglazova: fencing, as the meaning of life

Irina Deriglazova - rapier fencer, known in Russia. In 2016, she became the champion of the Olympic Games. And when they passed in London, she received silver and became the winner in the championship. She also won the Russian Fencing Championship.

Biography of Irina Deriglazova

Irina was born on March 10, 1990 in the Kursk region, the city of Kurchatov. There were no athletes in her family. Dad, Vasily Deriglazov, worked as an ordinary driver: he taxied and drove a bus. Mom, Nadezhda Nikolaevna (maiden name Sorokina), is a seamstress by education, but she works not by profession, but by the landscaper of the city. Irina also has an older sister, who works as an ordinary accountant. Apparently, nothing portended that Irina would go in for sports.

early years

In the city of Kurchatov, one of the best fencing schools, and Irina, at the age of eight, enrolled in one of her sections. The girl made her own decision to go to fencing, her parents even tried to dissuade her, but no persuasion influenced her. She went to training and worked out all the elements well. The hard work of a thin and little girl gave excellent results. So, in her twelve years, she already defeated competitors several years older than herself.


Fencing coach Irina Deriglazova Ildar Mavlyutov recalls that she was distinguished by her tenacity, her desire was a victory, pure and beautiful. The girl worked hard on herself, her struggle was more like a game than a battle. She did not crush her rivals, as so many are doing now, but exceeded them with her dexterity and her talent.

At the Kursk State University of Fencing, Irina Deriglazova received a higher education. But her specialty was in no way connected with sports, since she studied, like many at that time, as a lawyer.


Irina Deriglazova at the youth and junior competitions for the first time declared itself by taking part in the adult national championship. This happened at the age of nineteen. And luck turned to her - she took second place. And at the European Championships, which took place a year after the events just described, she received a bronze medal. At the junior championship, she broke all records and became the absolute winner.

Subsequent fencing events for Irina Deriglazova were even more successful. Not a year passed without victories. When the Olympic Games were held in London in 2012, Irina became a silver medalist, literally one step was not enough to an absolute victory. It was there that her fans Deriglazova promised that in a few years in Rio de Janeiro she would be the winner. And so it happened, she kept her word. Here you can see a photo of fencing Irina Deriglazova.


In 2016, Irina managed to beat the two-time Olympic champion Eliza Di Francesca from Italy. It is worth noting that the last time a Russian athlete won was in 1968.