
Biography of Mikhail Zadornov: creativity and photo

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Biography of Mikhail Zadornov: creativity and photo
Biography of Mikhail Zadornov: creativity and photo

Video: Zadornov Stupid Americans 1 2024, June

Video: Zadornov Stupid Americans 1 2024, June

Who does not know Mikhail Zadornov, famous throughout the post-Soviet space? Absolutely everything, from small to large. This talented satirist has been entertaining his audience for several decades. His concerts attract thousands of people, and sparkling humor never ceases to please with its diversity and uniqueness. We learn about how this wonderful artist achieved his popularity from this article.



Biography of Mikhail Zadornov is filled with interesting facts and various situations. Let's start from afar. So, the future comedian was born in 1948, on July 21. The hometown of Michael is Jurmala (Latvia). Zadornov's mother, Elena Matusevich, is a housewife who carefully preserves a warm hearth. Mikhail's father, Nikolai Zadornov, is a famous Russian writer who was interested in history.

From early childhood, parents instilled in Mikhail a love of literature. In addition to fairy tales, dad introduced his son to more serious works, such as Dead Souls, Frigate Pallas, etc. The famous father did not forget about poems. Already in preschool age, little Misha with pleasure read by heart several poetic works of Pushkin, Tyutchev and Lermontov.

The future satirist Mikhail Zadornov, whose biography is described in detail in our article, graduated from school in Riga. It should be noted that in the middle classes the boy was seriously interested in theater. His first role - Turnip - impressed the audience of the school theater. After participating in Ostrovsky’s play “Profitable Place”, the whole district found out about Mikhail’s talent. In addition to creative hobbies, the young man was actively involved in sports and was a member of the Latvian youth handball team.


The youth of the artist

Despite the love of the theater, Mikhail decided to choose a more serious profession and entered the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers. There he was taught the basics of the structure of aircraft engines. It is worth saying that studies at the institute did not last long. Already in his second year, Mikhail decided to move to Moscow. There he transferred to the Moscow Aviation Institute, where he continued to engage in one of his favorite things - playing the hand ball.

When Mikhail was 18 years old, he went to the Kuril Islands, where he was doing auxiliary work in one of the local botanical gardens. It was this distant journey that became the muse for the creation of his first unpublished novel, The Point of Intersection.

First job

After graduating from the institute, Mikhail Nikolayevich Zadornov, whose biography is interesting to many, joined the design engineer, and also participated in the creation of a nozzle for the afterburner of the engine designed for aircraft.


It should be said that it is this nozzle that now flaunts within the walls of the museum of the Moscow Aviation Institute.

By profession, Zadornov did not work long. Soon a wonderful idea came to his mind - to work in the genre of satire. To begin with, he headed the youth theater of the Moscow Aviation Institute.

Thanks to the efforts of the young talent, the theater gained considerable fame, and later received an award from the Lenin Komsomol. Then Mikhail was twice promoted and offered to join the party. But following the principles and statements of his father, he graciously refused.

Future life

A further biography of Mikhail Zadornov is associated with the humorous department of the popular Youth magazine. He worked in the publication for exactly 6 months, and after that he decided to leave the post due to misunderstanding and pickiness on the part of his superiors.


After leaving the magazine, he assumed the post of head of the theater. Dzerzhinsky, where almost all the productions were based on classified materials stored in the archives of the KGB.

A television

In 1982, the comedian made his debut on the screens with the soliloquy “Student's Letter Home”. In 1984, Mikhail Zadornov reappeared on the screens. In the program Around the Laughter, he read the story Two Ninth Wagons. In the same year, the aspiring satirist performed at his solo concert.

According to Mikhail himself, the most important day in his life is December 31, 1992, when he was honored to wish the whole country a Happy New Year.

From 1993 to 1995 Zadornov was the head of the Commonwealth fund for helping the Russian people in the Baltic countries.

What's next?

The end of the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s was an important period for Mikhail. He was regularly invited to television and organized concerts in the most famous halls of the entire post-Soviet space.


A further biography of Mikhail Zadornov is associated with cooperation with the Russian channel REN TV. According to the comedian himself, he is very happy about this.

In 2009, Mikhail opened a library in Riga and named the building in the name of his father Nikolai Zadornov. The opening of the library coincided with the 100th anniversary of the famous writer and historian. It is worth saying that anyone can enter there and absolutely free.

Comedian Mikhail Zadornov, whose biography is of interest to many, in 2010 presented to the public a monument to Arina Rodionovna - Pushkin's nanny. It was erected with funds from a fund supervised by the hero of our story.

Other activities of a comedian and satirist

It should be noted that Mikhail Nikolaevich is a modern person. He is actively involved in online activities. Zadornov is registered on the VKontakte social network, and also has his own blog on LiveJournal and on the website of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. Zadornov also has his own Youtube channel, where everyone can watch all his performances.

Interesting Facts

Biography of Mikhail Zadornov is full of little-known facts.

  1. After staying in Tibet and Hawaii, Zadornov admitted that he quit smoking and cursing.

  2. In 2012, Mikhail released the non-profit film Rurik: Lost Real Estate, which was negatively received by many critics.

  3. Mikhail was twice plagiarized.

  4. In 2010, at one of his speeches, Zadornov called the women of Vladivostok vulgar. This caused outrage.

  5. Mikhail Nikolaevich supports the Communist Party.

  6. Since 2014, he is a persona non grata in Ukraine because of his political position in the Crimea.
