
Naili Askerzadeh biography: strong personality, facts about work, personal life

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Naili Askerzadeh biography: strong personality, facts about work, personal life
Naili Askerzadeh biography: strong personality, facts about work, personal life

Now many television channels specialize in political programs. The competition, one might say, is pretty big. But finding a suitable person for the position of presenter or journalist is much more difficult, especially since the choice, you can say, is small, and professionalism leaves much to be desired.

Mysterious person


Here are the main facts of the biography of Naili Askerzade - she is a TV presenter, journalist, an employee of the Russia 24 channel, specializing in the field of economics. The viewers of Nail like: a beautiful, charming girl with an oriental appearance. But they love her not only for beauty, but also for her mind, prudence, ability to correctly state and quote information. Success came to Naila through a combination of her professional qualities with a spectacular appearance. Nationality and biography of Naili Askerzadeh are interesting to many. She was born in the Azerbaijan SSR.

When a charming girl goes on the air, viewers cannot take their eyes off the screen, Naila is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful TV presenters. The girl is sociable and sociable.

Work Facts

It is difficult to find detailed information about personal life, professional activities, biography of Naili Askerzade. And this is taking into account the fact that the girl is a famous person and is always in front of the public. It is known that before joining the Russia 24 channel, she worked as a journalist at the Kommersant publishing house, where she also headed the economic bloc. Then, for some time, she was a correspondent for the Vedomosti business publication, and after that she left to work for the Vesti news program.


The girl became even more famous thanks to new facts that appeared in the biography of Naili Askerzade. These are new programs that are owned by her personally and of which she is currently the host. This is the program “Working Noon” and the program “Actors with Askerzade”, where the girl interviews famous Russian and public figures and politicians who talk about their personal sides: fears, hobbies, weaknesses.