
Biography of Vyacheslav Ivanovich Trubnikov and his opinion

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Biography of Vyacheslav Ivanovich Trubnikov and his opinion
Biography of Vyacheslav Ivanovich Trubnikov and his opinion

Tolerate hardships and hardships, for a long time not to step on one’s native land, to live a stranger’s life - such is the vocation of a scout who has raised the interests of the homeland and state into the cornerstone. Who is Vyacheslav Trubnikov? We’ll talk about this today.


Trubnikov Vyacheslav Ivanovich grew up in an ordinary, unremarkable family. Father is a fitter, mother is a housewife. In wartime, the family was evacuated from Moscow, and then returned. In 1961, Vyacheslav Ivanovich passed the last exams of the physics and mathematics school with brilliance and decided to enter MGIMO. In 1967, he defended his diploma of referent in the countries of the East.


Since 1967, Trubnikov worked for the security service in a reconnaissance apparatus. In 1968 he completed his studies at the KGB school and three years later went on a long business trip abroad (until 1977) under an assumed name and with a new history. Vyacheslav Ivanovich Trubnikov arrived in India as a correspondent for the Novosti agency. The business trip contributed to a career take-off. After the Central Intelligence Agency, he worked as a resident in Dhaka and Delhi. Since 1990, he became the head in various departments of PSU, but did not stay long in this position. A year later, he became deputy director of the CSR, and then he replaced the director of the foreign intelligence service and became colonel general.

In 1996, there was a serious turn in the biography of Vyacheslav Trubnikov, he took the post of director of the foreign intelligence service, and also became a member of the Defense and Security Council and took up the temporary emergency commission to strengthen tax and budget discipline. Since 1997, Trubnikov received the post of adviser on foreign policy, a little later he took up the representative commission on the fight against illegal financial and currency transactions. In 1998, received the highest military rank of army general. In 1999, he was closed by presidential decree submitted to the title of hero of Russia. From 2000 to 2004, in the rank of federal minister, he was replaced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. In 2004, he became Russia's ambassador to India. In 2009, he retired as a senior research fellow. At the same time, Vyacheslav Ivanovich supports social activities, speaking at various government events.

About the political situation

Vyacheslav Ivanovich believes that the current political situation is rooted in the past. After the collapse of the USSR, the political elite experienced euphoria from the warming of relations, in fact, it was a temporary lull before the storm. Western countries assigned Russia a second fiddle, while the state elite and the country itself positioned themselves differently.


In an interview with the television channel "Russia 24" Trubnikov notes that our country has a rich history, we have something to be proud of, and we are rightly equal participants in the relationship. The main missed opportunity of that period, he considers the lack of building relations with eastern countries.

About Intelligence

Trubnikov Vyacheslav Ivanovich considers intelligence to be art, and at the household level - craft. He claims that intelligence is a tool. For the Russian Federation, it serves as a test of relations, helps to understand with whom it is worth building relationships, and with whom it is not necessary. In an interview, he also compared scouts and reporters, mentioning that they are looking for a source of information, but using different tools. The former head of intelligence divides scouts into ordinary and talented people, arguing that creativity, in-depth analysis, and unconventional thinking are needed in this business.

On the theory of mass conspiracy

Vyacheslav Trubnikov is sure that there can be no conspiracy of transnational corporations and other financial apparatuses. State intelligence in other countries does not work for the financial elite. At the same time, large corporations have their own intelligence and lobby, which does not mean that there is collusion.


Attitude to Snowden

The former intelligence officer claims that Snowden is not an agent of Russia, and help was rendered out of humane motives. Considers him an idealist who fights alone with the whole system.

About East and Partnership

Trubnikov Vyacheslav Ivanovich spent a very long time on business trips in the East and knows firsthand about his culture. He notes that these countries are excellent partners and observe the conditions exactly as much as we observe, though as negotiators they are more difficult than Western states.

About terrorism

As the former head of intelligence, Vyacheslav Ivanovich believes that terrorism must be fought in several directions. Not only to bomb the bases, but also to exclude the cultivation of destructive elements on the territory of the Russian Federation.


He believes that a terrorist appears where a normal person has no job. This is a problem of many countries, and before tackling this issue, it is necessary to give a general international concept of terrorism.