
Biodegradable package - production for the benefit of nature

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Biodegradable package - production for the benefit of nature
Biodegradable package - production for the benefit of nature

Video: BIO-LUTIONS, biodegradable food packaging - SOLUTIONS 2024, June

Video: BIO-LUTIONS, biodegradable food packaging - SOLUTIONS 2024, June

Footage of animals captured ordinary cellophane packages horrify - crippled, tortured to death by plastic captivity due to the disorder of man. And how much such garbage just rolls around the planet, causing damage to all living things, both mechanically and chemically. Recently, the idea that a biodegradable package is a way out of the impasse of an environmental disaster has been widely promoted.

Environmental friendliness

Plastic bags - the most ordinary, inconspicuous, but such a necessary household item. People buy them practically in packs - every purchase, a thing in a closet, a sandwich for work or study - everything is wrapped in plastic so that it can then be thrown into the nearest ballot box or just under your feet. It is good when household waste is disposed of in accordance with all the rules, rather than littering the entire surrounding space. But at specialized polygons, plastic and polyethylene are a huge problem. These materials decompose for so long that during the process they have time to poison the world around them with decomposition products.

Ecologists and chemists proposed to solve the problem by creating a biodegradable package. The packaging of any product must be disposed of in accordance with all the rules, and if it is not allowed for reuse, then it must dissolve in the outside world without harming it. Therefore, the production of biodegradable bags, presumably, is the future of ecology.


New Features

The manufacturer of biodegradable bags, and there are already a lot of them around the world, always indicates on the packaging of which components this product is made. It is good when a paper bag - without lamination and an abundance of synthetic dyes, it simply dissolves in nature, returning almost to its original state. But if chemical compounds are present in the packaging material, then this is hardly an environmentally friendly package. Although in order to obtain a biodegradable package, special components must be added to the composition to help the material break down into simple components.

You might think that such packages cannot be bought for the future, that if you lie down at home in a “package with packages”, they will turn into dust, suitable only for discharge. But this is not so. As most manufacturers of biodegradable bags declare, they retain marketable properties for 3 years. Well, once in "favorable" conditions under the sun's rays in the open air, under the influence of wind, rain, cold, such a used package after a few months turns into natural components.


True or false?

The modern production of biodegradable plastic bags is the future for the conservation of natural resources and the environment. But this applies only to natural bags made on the basis of substances from potato and corn starch, reed, dairy components. There is an opinion that such packages are very fragile - nothing can be transferred to them. But this is not so, the packages correspond to the capacity declared by the manufacturer, which is indicated on the package with packages or on each package separately.

But you can call biodegradable only natural bags or packaging. If the discarded container crumbles into microplastic over time, then it can be called biodegradable with tension. According to many scientists, the decay waste of such packaging is also harmful to all living things. This is especially true for underwater residents who eat floating small pellets, taking them for plankton or some crustaceans. So it’s very difficult to talk about the absolute safety of such material. It is by this duality that the term “biodegradable package” speaks of consumer fraud.
