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Mammoth tusk: mining mammoth tusks, mammoth tusk products

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Mammoth tusk: mining mammoth tusks, mammoth tusk products
Mammoth tusk: mining mammoth tusks, mammoth tusk products

Video: ENTIRE WOOLLY MAMMOTH exposed by flood at the Boneyard Alaska 2024, July

Video: ENTIRE WOOLLY MAMMOTH exposed by flood at the Boneyard Alaska 2024, July

Demand for mammoth tusk is around the world. In Russia there is a fairly large stock of this material. It totals about several hundred tons. Despite such a huge number, archaeologists do not stop, but continue to search where to find the mammoth tusk.

Are there frequent cases of successful excavations aimed at finding a mammoth bone?

Annually, the warehouse is replenished approximately by several tens of tons. The most various finds came across. The largest of them can be distinguished: their length is 4–4.5 meters, diameter 1.8–1.9 decimeters.

The weight of a mammoth tusk can be 0.1–0.11 tons. In Africa, researchers found this part of the skeleton of an elephant, which weighed 0.095 tons.


Mammoth bone rests near ponds

Where is the extraction of mammoth tusks? As a rule, they are dug up near former water bodies, because animals were drawn to sources of moisture. You can also stumble upon a mammoth tusk somewhere in a ravine or deep on the river bottom.

The Siberian region is extremely rich in this artifact, because the North is a very favorable habitat for the animal, where it was not hot in a dense and thick fur coat. Siberia bestows the scientific light of archeology with thousands of mammoth tusks. More specifically, about 20, 000–35, 000 kilograms are found annually.

Russia - the house of mammoths

Studying the statistics of archaeological excavations, you can catch yourself thinking that on the lands of today's Russia mammoths really liked and was more than comfortable, because the number of finds is simply amazing in its numerousness. Moreover, not only the northern part of Siberia was their home, as it might seem at first glance.


The mammoth tusks were rich in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The vast majority of successful excavations took place on the territory of the Ob and Yakutia. Thus, it is understandable why the Yakuts and Tobolsk people had such honors from mammoth tusk.

Masters created small sculptures, boxes, coasters for watches, combs. These things consisted entirely of bone. Everyone wanted to decorate their neck with such a thing as an amulet from a mammoth tusk.

The land on which the glorious city of Arkhangelsk now stands is also famous for its fertility on archaeological values. They also made jewelry and objects that were used in everyday life from mammoth bone. Performed by their skilled Kholmogorsk craftsmen.

Valuable artifact mining

To get a mammoth tusk is an interesting and profitable occupation, however difficult. The bottom of the river is the most frequent location of this material. Or is it a swamp or tundra. In a word, to get out of the water dry does not work in the literal sense of the word. And you have to get your hands dirty, but for what purpose! Mining is half the battle. When the artifact seeker is happy with the find, the following task arises before him: now this raw material must also be delivered to the processing point. During construction and archaeological excavations, as well as when geological surveys take place, you can really stumble upon a mammoth tusk. The photo gives an idea of ​​what sizes and shapes they have.

This often happens on the territory of Chukotka, the north of Yakutia, on the Tyumen lands. Since bone carving was a folk art and was popular in the north of that part of Russia, which is part of Europe, and in Siberia until the twentieth century, many examples of the workshop for processing a mammoth tusk have accumulated.


What bones are suitable for work?

There are no special requirements and harsh conditions that would limit freedom in the choice of material, which will later be turned into a beautiful product. Bone can be chosen at your discretion.

The following types of materials were mainly used:

  1. The horns of deer, elk, cows and deer are quite suitable for processing. They are durable, and products from them serve for a long time. You can take the horn of any ungulate animal.

  2. For these purposes, not only horns are suitable. Camels, cows and horses have good tubular tibia bones that can be safely used. The main condition - the animal must be large, ungulate.

  3. Mammoths and elephants are excellent "suppliers" of tusks for further artistic processing.

  4. A potential “supplier” of bone is also a sperm whale, and to be precise, its tooth is valuable.

  5. Walruses can compete with their fangs.

  6. Rhinoceros is an animal that can truly be proud of the fact that it gapes on his forehead. In the same way every master is proud to whom the horn of this strong animal falls into his hands for processing.

  7. Narwhal is another individual whose bone is the best suited for the manufacture of beautiful and useful products.


What are the limitations?

There are regulations, the text of which includes a restriction or completely prohibits the sale of horns of animals such as narwhal, rhino. The sale of sperm whale tooth is also limited.

Since 2002, the UN has partially banned elephant bone trading. What then is legal? Sell ​​mammoth tusks, as well as the sale of artiodactyl horns. These bans are introduced in order to prevent cruel animal killings for the sake of profit, so this does not apply to long-extinct mammoths, because for 10 thousand years they have not been among the existing species of fauna. Their bone can be safely used and exported. The only but important detail: it is necessary to draw up a document authorizing the extraction and export abroad.

But still, working with a mammoth tusk is much simpler than with ivory or walrus fang. These are justified restrictions that prevent damage to nature and insure the animal kingdom against poaching. Fortunately, there are still many rivers in Siberia, in the soil of which mammoth bones lie, so that the living elephants can calmly pinch grass in a watering place and not worry too much.


The benefits of mammoth tusks

They are deservedly valued above all other similar substitutes. This material is plastic and beautiful. But you have to pay for it, so it is rated higher. It is not so easy to process, but it serves for good conscience and for a long time.

This material is solid, there is very little emptiness in it, the mass can be considered almost homogeneous. Since the dimensions can be very large, it is possible to carve a large sculpture. In order to process a mammoth tusk, you need a cutter. When an incision is made into the sculptor's eye, a drawing of a beautiful mesh will open. The appearance of the product is very effective, whatever the processing method. The artifact is painted, polished and engraved. We know about the hardness of amber, pearls and coral. So, the mammoth bone is in no way inferior to them.