
Businessman Said Gutseriev: biography, career and interesting facts

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Businessman Said Gutseriev: biography, career and interesting facts
Businessman Said Gutseriev: biography, career and interesting facts

Video: Беслан. Помни / Beslan. Remember (english & español subs) 2024, June

Video: Беслан. Помни / Beslan. Remember (english & español subs) 2024, June

Said Gutseriev is the main heir to the owner of the company Russneft and BIN, billionaire Mikhail Safarbekovich. He is the CEO of ForteInvest Corporation and one of the main shareholders of the European Pension Fund.

In 2015, the son of an oligarch from Ingushetia took over the leadership of his father's millionth empire. By the way, it was during this period that the Gutseriev clan, managing many of the largest companies in Russia and abroad, replaced the Rotenberg family from the leading position of the richest domestic families, according to Forbes magazine.

Biography of Said Gutseriev

The famous heir was born on April 18, 1988 in the Russian capital. As soon as the boy grew up, the influential father immediately sent him abroad. There Said graduated from one of the most prestigious English private schools - Harrow, located in Great Britain and Ireland.


Having received a certificate at the end of secondary education, the young billionaire entered the famous Oxford University. He gave his preference to the Faculty of Geology, where he first received a bachelor's degree, and later became a master of science. At this, the education of Said Mikhailovich Gutseriev did not end. The next stage was training at Plymouth University, where the guy mastered the oil and gas business at the management department.

The beginning of the way

In England, Said received a position in the financial department of the Swiss trading company Glencore. A little later, an entrepreneurial guy got a promotion, becoming an employee of the asset management department. According to Gutseriev himself, in this company he earned approximately 40 thousand euros per year, and this does not include bonuses.

At the end of 2014, after a full seventeen years of life in the UK, Said returned to his homeland. Here he immediately took the post of general director of his father's company ForteInvest. At the same time, he became a member of the board of directors of several other senior Gutseriev companies. So, Said became a member of the management of Russian Coal, Neftis and Russneft.


In the autumn of the same year, Gutseriev bought a part of the shares in the amount of 40% in the Daglis company. The company owned 70% of the assets of a private pension fund called Regionfond. Together with Said, his cousin, Mikail Shishkhanov, who is also the head of the board of directors of BinBank, acquired the same share of the company.

Further activities

In addition to his main employment, Said Gutseriev is the full owner of the Opeliance trading limited holding. In addition, together with his uncle and cousin, he is the ultimate owner of the European Pension Fund, as well as the Regional Fund and Trust societies. In 2015, all these associations bought approximately 10% of Promsvyazbank's assets.


On February 28, 2017, at the board of shareholders of Binbank, Said Gutseriev, along with his uncle, Sait-Salam Safarbekovich, was included in the management of the company, and his father became chairman.

In the spring of the same year, Said Mikhailovich became the main shareholder of the association, which bought a subsidiary of Sberbank in Ukraine. According to the editors of Forbes magazine, the state of the younger Gutseriev is estimated at about $ 2.8 billion.

Clan of the Gutserievs

The Gutseriev family today is rightfully considered the richest in Russia. Confirmation of this fact is the rating of the famous Forbes magazine. Said's father is a famous businessman, doctor of economic sciences, as well as a poet and composer. The state of the head of the family is estimated at 9.9 billion dollars. The brother of Mikhail Safarbekovich, Sait-Salam, is also a major entrepreneur, and in the past also a State Duma deputy.


Michael is married, raised a daughter and three sons, one of whom died. The tragedy in the Gutseriev family occurred in 2007 - at that time, Genghis Khan was 22 years old, he died in an accident in the capital. Said’s older brother, Khamzat, works as a lieutenant general in the police and was a member of the Federation Council. The youngest daughter of Mikhail Safarbekovich, Sofia, is today considered one of the most enviable brides in Russia. The girl graduated from Moscow State University and holds the post of deputy director in one of her father's shopping centers.

The marriage of the heir to billions

The wedding of Said Gutseriev was perhaps the most discussed event in March 2016. An event took place in a Moscow restaurant called Safisa on March 26, the scope of which is able to impress even the most sophisticated layman.

At 29, the son of Mikhail Safarbekovich is considered one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Russia. Rumor has it that a suitable party for the heir to a multi-million empire has been sought for several years. After all, a spouse for a guy had to meet certain requirements: an Ingush who respects national beliefs and traditions. The future wife of Said Gutseriev was found in one of Moscow universities. The chosen one of the successful businessman was the beauty Khadizh Uzhakhova, who was hardly 20 years old.


At the celebration, the girl shone in a truly incredible dress, made to order in France by the hands of Eli Saab himself. The bride’s outfit weighed almost 25 kilograms due to the huge number of small stones with which he was decorated. As you know, the dress cost the groom as much as 27 million rubles.

The banquet guests were entertained by world famous stars: Patricia Kaas, Enrique Iglesias, Sting, Elton John, Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce. Alla Pugacheva also appeared on the stage to perform several songs from her repertoire and personally congratulate the newlyweds. And the guests celebrated the second day of the wedding already abroad - in the London mansion of the Gutserievs.