
Nearest metro to Vnukovo. How to get to the airport and Moscow?

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Nearest metro to Vnukovo. How to get to the airport and Moscow?
Nearest metro to Vnukovo. How to get to the airport and Moscow?



Summer is a season of vacations, sun, beaches and flights. Vnukovo takes care of many flights. If you start building a route to the airport, you can easily get confused. Indeed, now he is transported directly from several nearby metro stations. You can get to Vnukovo Airport much easier and faster than you think. Let's figure it out.


About airport

Vnukovo (VKO) is one of the three major international airports of federal significance, serving passengers from all over the world in adjacent terminals A, B and D.

  • Terminal A. It is the largest terminal in Russia and has 52 gates (landing exits): 20 for domestic flights and 28 for international flights. It has been working since 2010. On the ground floor are the arrival hall and baggage claim area. Also there you can find cafes, banks, taxis, ATMs. On the second floor there is a departure area and one hundred and forty check-in desks, a games room, ATMs, and a police station. On the third floor you can find a waiting room, a VIP zone, airline offices.
  • Terminal B is mainly occupied by international flights, charters, low-cost carriers and airlines in Central Asia. Since 2016, all flights have been transferred to terminal A.
  • Terminal D is almost never used. Passengers are screened there, children's rooms and airline offices are located.


This year, 30 airlines fly from Vnukovo. In 2017, approximately one third of passengers accounted for international flights. Last year, the following airlines provided a large share of passenger traffic: Pobeda, Russia (Aeroflot's subsidiary), UTair.

So how do you get to the nearest metro from Vnukovo?


You can choose one of several options, how to get from the airport to the nearest metro line.

  • Buy an Aeroexpress ticket. The price varies from 420 rubles to 500, depending on the method of purchase. A fast train will take you in just 40 minutes. The final stop is Kievskiy station.
  • The most expensive way is a taxi, since the trip will cost you about a thousand rubles. Do not expect to bargain with the driver in the direction of reduction. Most likely, they will require much more from you.
  • It can be reached by public transport. By bus 611, you can get to Troparevo and Yugo-Zapadnaya stations. By 911 bus - to "Salaryevo".

How to get from Moscow to the airport

To get to Vnukovo from the nearest metro station, you need to know several ways.

  • You can also get from the Kiev station by aeroexpress, but taking into account that the last train leaves at midnight. By the way, tickets for children cost only 130 rubles. The train stops at the airport opposite the main entrance to terminal A.
  • There is also a taxi option. The price of the trip will depend on what you go to the nearest metro to Vnukovo. But remember that this is the most expensive option.
  • By public transport you can get from various stations:
  1. “Salaryevo”: 911 bus, the whole journey will take approximately 19 minutes. It walks every 7 minutes. 272nd bus, similar travel time. It goes every 10 minutes.
  2. Southwest: 611th bus, 30-40 minutes on the way. Interval - every 20 minutes.
  3. Troparevo: 611th bus, travel time - 20-30 minutes.
  4. Rumyantsevo: 611th bus, travel time - 17-30 minutes.

Important announcement!

Be careful! In connection with the 2018 World Cup, the bus stop was moved closer to the entrance to the underpass. The path to Terminal A from the stop has become much shorter and more convenient. The problem is that the buses to the nearest metro from Vnukovo now stand in common congestion, since in those thoroughfares it is impossible to isolate the lane for them. Therefore, representatives of Vnukovo airport recommend using the express train. With it you will be more confident, since you can accurately calculate the travel time. If you still want to choose public transport to get to Vnukovo from the nearest metro station, you should add about two hours to the time on the way so as not to be late for check-in and boarding.
