
Lindsay Mills: biography, personal life and interesting facts

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Lindsay Mills: biography, personal life and interesting facts
Lindsay Mills: biography, personal life and interesting facts

Video: Snowden Opens Up About His Girlfriend-- "I'm not going to be home when you get back." 2024, July

Video: Snowden Opens Up About His Girlfriend-- "I'm not going to be home when you get back." 2024, July

The person Lindsay Mills in itself was unlikely to arouse wide interest among the public, and even more so if the residents of Russia would not be interested in her, but her personal relationships caused the not-so-remarkable girl from Baltimore to be known to the whole world. Who is she really? What does Edward Snowden have to do with it? What happened to her after the flight of a young man from his native country?

Curious readers always have a lot of questions about Lindsay Mills, but there are very few answers to them. Given that the information about the girl, which is “part of the personal life” of Edward Snowden, is classified, it is not so easy to collect files on her, but we will help our readers find out the maximum data about Lindsay.


Bond Girl

When the former CIA and NSA agent E. Snowden became the main topic of conversation not only among Americans, but throughout the whole world, few were interested in him as a person. Everyone was worried about the data that the guy provided to reporters. This is normal, because the documents became a sensation, literally putting the US State Department, world politicians and the public on the ears.

The guy himself was experiencing a storm of emotions, because in an instant he turned from a successful programmer into a spy, a criminal on the international wanted list, he had to break off relations with his parents and girlfriend Lindsay Mills.


The one who turned her life upside down

Edward Snowden is a man who looks nothing like a special agent, a superhero in the sense in which we are used to seeing such characters. A modest and quiet young man, whose career was just beginning, could not come to terms with the atrocities of the authorities and took a desperate step - he exposed the secret surveillance system for his compatriots and residents of Europe.

He was born in 1983, in a completely ordinary family, where his mother is a lawyer and his father is a security guard. He has a sister who followed in her mother's footsteps and is busy in the ship industry. Edward studied at a public school, went to college, and then to the university, which he graduated remotely.

The young man got his first job in one of the divisions of the US National Security Agency. Soon he was admitted to the CIA, he often had to go on business trips, including abroad. It was on one of these trips that he realized the extent of the influence of the American special services on the lives of ordinary citizens and decided to tell the whole world about it, which forever changed not only his fate, but also the whole existence of Lindsay Mills. The personal life of this couple was subjected to a serious test, however, their relationship passed the test of strength. Despite all the difficulties and a lengthy breakup, Edward and Lindsay are together.


Who is Lindsay Mills? American spy bride biography

The girl is one year younger than her famous friend, she was born in 1984. Lindsay's childhood passed in Baltimore. And she received higher education in Maryland, where she graduated from college, where students were taught the basics of art and the humanities. There, the girl studied choreography, and her further activities are associated with this occupation.

The profession that Lindsay Mills earned a living is a dancer. In addition, she maintained a blog in which she wrote notes and published her photographs. Her boyfriend was several times the hero of the girl’s posts. Edward Snowden and his girlfriend Lindsay Mills often moved, and had to travel very long distances. So, they happened to live in Japan, Hong Kong, and their last refuge was a paradise - Hawaii, where the couple owned their own house on the coast.

As it became known from the girl’s father, she and Edward began dating after a long period of courtship. The young man stubbornly sought appreciation from his beloved, he planned to connect his life with her, to create a family. At that moment, when he had to flee and actually abandon her alone, Lindsay experienced severe depression, because she did not understand the reasons for the act of her fiance.


Dance star

The main hobby of Lindsay Mills has always been dancing. According to some reports, she is a ballerina, although she did not have to work in troupes performing with the classical repertoire. By the time journalists started talking about the girl, she had tried herself as a choreographer, she was a dance teacher and even a fitness trainer. One of Lindsay's last interests was the pylon.

Emancipated and pretty pretty, she gladly appeared in front of the audience in candid images and even naked. While Lindsay Mills and Edward Snowden lived in Hawaii, the girl did not give up dancing, on the contrary, she studied at the local pole dance and acrobatics school.

She did it well, she even participated in some performances. Lindsay from childhood loved to reincarnate, while she felt like a hero of detective, espionage stories and felt like someone like a Bond girl.

Snowden supported this hobby of his beloved, he sometimes took her from classes, however, did not attend any training or performances, most often sitting in the car, which speaks of him as a modest and even reserved person.



The girl's personal blog called L's Journey (short for our heroine Lindsey Mills) was filled with posts about her travels, thoughts about what worried her, and photo reports about her successes in choreography.

Regular readers of Lindsay magazine were aware of all her life's ups and downs. Although in fairness it should be said that the blog was quite vague. After all, the girl probably understood who she was meeting. Lindsey Mills sometimes wrote about her young man and even posted photographs of him on her page. However, these were pictures in which the young man's face was covered, or he generally stood with his back to the camera. The name of Snowden did not appear there either, in her stories the girl represented him in the manner of writers of past centuries, reducing the name to one letter "E".

Judging by the entries in the electronic diary, the relationship of the couple was not the easiest. Edward often had to leave, all of Lindsay's business trips were perceived as “sudden disappearances, ” which could well be true, given the specifics of the guy’s profession.

It was especially difficult for the girl on the eve of the events of 2013, when Snowden released the data stolen by him. A few days before this date, she wrote that she was devastated and confused, did not understand why she should get rid of her life and memories. This post did not last long - only five days. Perhaps the groom informed her about what he was going to do, but still did not receive support from his lover. This conclusion suggests itself, because the couple then broke up, and the young people lived apart for almost a year.


And into the fire, and into the water

Surprisingly, because Lindsay's love and affection for Snowden is so strong that the girl neglected her own plans for the future and blindly followed the man. He took her from her home for 8 thousand miles. As we already said, they often had to move and leave for a long time because of the man’s work.

As the girl’s friends said, she was an open and sociable person, but at the same time she was not very candid about her personal life. They did not even believe for a long time that she had a boyfriend, because Snowden spent most of his time at home in front of a computer. This way of life was quite to Edward's liking, but Lindsay is a more open and sociable person. She loved society, was and remains the soul of any company. Unusually, people who are so different in character have converged. But it is not for nothing that they say that opposites attract.

Lindsay has been dating a guy since 2009. They even introduced each other to their parents. After the story with declassified documents, Mr. Mills, the girl’s father, gave an interview in which he stated that he was not offended by Snowden, although his daughter suffered greatly from the gap, moreover, she could be held criminally liable, because Edward probably told her the information, unreleased.


With a lovely and hut paradise

Being in the dark about his future, Snowden was forced to break off relations with Lindsay Mills - this is his official version of events. According to him, he did not want to endanger the girl. This point of view greatly offended her.

Having settled in Russia, Snowden was alone for a long time. However, in 2014 there he was first visited by his ex-girlfriend. Edward’s lawyer, after Lindsay’s first visit, noted that this event really revived a guy who still wants to return home, but realizes that a prison in America is worse than freedom in a foreign country for him.


Comprehensive support

Mills arrives in Moscow on a guest visa; the girl has no reason to obtain Russian citizenship; Snowden himself can get a passport with a double-headed eagle very soon. The couple is rarely seen in public, they spend most of their time at home, although sometimes they attend theater performances or just walk around the city.

Despite the difference in character, Lindsay supports his chosen one. She has repeatedly stated that she loves America, but her native state has ceased to conform to the declared democratic values, and this worries her greatly. She believes that Snowden did the right thing, and her compatriots are obliged to take a greater part in the life of the country.