
Daria Dontsova: biography, creativity and photo

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Daria Dontsova: biography, creativity and photo
Daria Dontsova: biography, creativity and photo

Video: Глуховский – рок-звезда русской литературы / Russian Rock Star Writer 2024, July

Video: Глуховский – рок-звезда русской литературы / Russian Rock Star Writer 2024, July

A separate conversation about the life of an ordinary woman who has turned into one of the best writers in the country deserves Daria Dontsova. Her biography is filled with many interesting events, which are worth telling the reader in detail.


Unusual name

On June 7, 1952, Daria Dontsova was born in Moscow. The biography of the writer begins with living in an old hut with her parents and grandmother. Mom and dad of a newborn girl were not married when she was born, but simply lived together. The father at the time of the birth of his daughter was still married to another woman, but the daughter gave his last name, and later signed with her mother, legitimizing the relationship. The newborn girl received a name in honor of her grandmother - Agrippina. His father's last name was Vasiliev, so Agrippina Arkadyevna Vasilieva is Daria Dontsova. The biography of the writer includes many years lived under this name until a pseudonym was taken.


Parents of the writer

Arkady Nikolayevich Vasiliev in Soviet times was well known in literary circles as a worthy writer. His works were published in the form of fiction and documentary prose, his colleagues greatly respected Arkady Nikolaevich. Apparently, it was from him that the daughter received the ability to write novels, which readers loved so much and are published today under the pseudonym Daria Dontsova. The biography of the writer developed in such a way that she went to write her works for many years. There were many interesting events and terrible troubles, with which Agrippina Arkadyevna was able to cope, no matter what.

The mother of Daria Dontsova's name is Tamara Stepanovna Novatskaya. When she had a daughter, the woman served in the Moskontsert as a director and was not married to the father of her child. But still, the lovers were able to reunite after Arkady Vasiliev divorced his first wife. At that moment, when the parents were able to get married, their common daughter Agrippina was already two years old. The biography of Daria Dontsova is filled with frequent partings with her parents in childhood.



When the baby was born, the family lived in terrible conditions in a hut. After long trials and appeals to the higher authorities, the state nevertheless allocated a room, but of such a small size that only the girl’s parents could stay there, and Agrippina moved to live with her grandmother and spent several years with her until the family received a normal apartment. Nevertheless, parents did not leave their daughter unattended, were engaged in her upbringing and education. A brief biography of Daria Dontsova includes classes from childhood with governesses who taught her foreign languages. The nannies who spoke French and German languages ​​came to the girl to study, so from childhood the girl learned foreign language, which was useful to her in later life.


Student, career

When it came time to go to college, the girl chose Moscow State University, the faculty of journalism. To enter there did not make much work for a well-read and intelligent girl, who also knew two foreign languages ​​in her young years. While still at school, Agrippina was with her father in Germany, where she felt great in terms of communication with the Germans. German was especially good at a capable student, so from the trip she brought a lot of positive impressions and many German detectives.

Having studied at the faculty of journalism and successfully graduated from high school, I got a job as a translator Daria Dontsova (writer). Her biography at that moment was not yet full of prerequisites for the craft of writing. Agrippina successfully used her skills in French, working in Syria at the Soviet Embassy as a translator.

Work and first attempts at writing

Work in Syria continued for two years. After this, Agrippina Vasilieva returned home to the Soviet Union, and got a job as a correspondent for the magazine "Fatherland". Then the journalist worked for several years in the periodical "Evening Moscow". Back in 1984, the future writer tried to publish, bringing her work to the publication. But the editors have not yet been interested in the work of Vasilyeva. There were still more than ten years before ironic detectives began to appear under the pseudonym Daria Dontsova. The biography and work of the writer at that time were aimed at developing as a journalist.


Trials of Fate

The first ironic detective came from the pen of the writer in the most difficult period of her life. Doctors diagnosed a woman with breast cancer. She learned that she was sick, being at the last stage of the development of oncology. Agrippina missed the warnings of her surgeon's friend that she urgently needed to see a doctor, and came to her senses only when bloody discharge began. What a woman suffered during the fight against the disease is difficult to convey in a few words. "It was very funny!" - Daria Dontsova herself declares her struggle with ordinary optimism. The biography, the cancer that included in her fate, could continue only thanks to the incredible willpower of this cheerful and smiling woman, who decided for herself that it was impossible for her to go to the next world, because there would be nobody to leave her children, dogs and husband with whom But someone marries himself.


Cure a terrible disease

While Daria Dontsova ran to the doctors, trying to find out how far the disease went, she often came across charlatans and extortionists who broadcast that she had only two months left to live and volunteered to fix everything for a lot of money. The writer had not yet published her novels at that moment, had not even begun to create them, so her income was low. Agrippina went to the usual free hospital where she underwent three surgeries. The woman underwent chemotherapy, radiation, amputation of the mammary glands, but she resisted the death, telling her that she was sending an uninvited guest away.
