
General Description and Brief History of South Dakota

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General Description and Brief History of South Dakota
General Description and Brief History of South Dakota

Video: South Dakota's Black Hills Badlands and Lakes 2024, July

Video: South Dakota's Black Hills Badlands and Lakes 2024, July

The state of South Dakota became part of the United States on November 2, 1889. It is located in the Midwest of the country. The origin of its name is associated with the name of one of the tribes that lived in this territory several centuries ago. The local economy is dominated by the agro-industrial complex.


Short story

Before the advent of the colonialists, several rival nations lived here. The most numerous among them were Aboriginal groups of Dakota, Lakota and Arikara. The bloodiest conflict between them occurred in the fourteenth century. He went down in history as the Crow Creek massacre. The first Europeans to appear here in 1743 were the French. The expedition was led by the La Veredi brothers, who immediately declared the territory French property. After that, the region became part of the Louisiana colony. Sixty years later, South Dakota entered the list of lands that France sold to the United States. In the fifties of the nineteenth century, according to an agreement signed by representatives of the Sioux Indians with the American authorities, the natives ceded the right to own these lands. The state was officially incorporated into the United States on November 2, 1889.


The total area of ​​the state is almost 200 thousand square kilometers. It borders Nebraska in the south, Minnesota in the east, North Dakota in the north, Montana in the northwest and Wyoming in the southwest. The capital of South Dakota is called Pierre, and its largest city is Sioux Falls. The population of the state is 844, 877 people (as of 2013). Three key physiographic regions stand out in its relief: the Great Plains in the western part, the lowlands in the east, and the Black Hills massif covered with ancient forests. The Missouri River is a natural boundary between the first two of them. In addition to it, the White River, Cheyenne and James are considered to be large local waterways.



Continental type prevails over the state, which is characterized by hot summers and cold long winters. Spring and autumn here are very short-lived and at the same time pronounced. In January, temperatures range from 16 to 2 degrees below zero. In July, the thermometer bars show 16 to 32 degrees Celsius. In the west, South Dakota is highly arid, but the average annual rainfall is increasing as it approaches the eastern regions. It should also be noted that the eastern part of the state is located on the so-called tornado alley - destructive vortices can pass through its territory up to thirty times a year.


The basis of the local economy is agriculture. The most common crops that are grown here are wheat, beans and corn. There are no large mineral deposits in the region. Despite this, South Dakota boasts a well-established production of sand, coal, limestone and gravel. The leading industry has become the processing of agricultural products, as well as the manufacture of ethyl alcohol. Among other things, the state produces cement, plastic products, metal structures, jewelry, and fire fighting equipment.