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What is spirituality?

What is spirituality?
What is spirituality?

Video: What Is the Point of Spirituality? 2024, July

Video: What Is the Point of Spirituality? 2024, July

What is spirituality? It does not have an ideal and final definition; it cannot be described as any object. Sociologists define spirituality as the search for the “sacred”, where this “sacred” in the broad sense is defined as different from the ordinary, everyday, it is worthy of respect and respect. It can be defined in various ways: faith in certain forces that control the Universe, a sense of interconnection with all living beings, awareness of the purpose and meaning of life, improvement of personal qualities, peace of mind. That in which each person finds meaning, hope, inner peace for his life.

What is spirituality, in different historical periods was interpreted differently. Most often it was associated with religious life, but it is not determined by religion and does not have to be connected with it. In modern times, the concept of “spirituality” is often associated with humanistic psychology, combined with mystical and esoteric traditions, oriental religious and philosophical teachings aimed at developing a person into a unique holistic system, characterized by compassion, selflessness, altruism, a rich inner world.

What is spirituality in human life? To enjoy life fully, all expressions of our essence must be balanced. Mind, soul, body should be in harmony with each other. In theory, a person cannot focus solely on material things and neglect spiritual things. Walking among beautiful landscapes, listening to a brilliant musical work, admiring a beautifully painted picture, reading a talented book, he is fascinated, awed, admired, enjoys - all this affects his soul. There are a lot of wonderful ways that manifest a person’s spirituality, but which cannot be investigated using scientific methods, since it includes deeply personal, subjective experiences. Its essence lies in the search for your own "I", which helps to discover the true nature of consciousness. Unable to explain his essence, a person identifies himself with his thoughts, feelings, memory.

The spiritual growth of a person plays an important role, although the views of different people on his understanding will differ depending on experience, beliefs and personal characteristics. But in general, it can be described as the result of focused attention on one’s inner life, gaining faith in oneself and a change in the perception of the world around him when a person comes to the realization that serving people is a priority. When he comes to an understanding of his true nature, he frees himself from many fears, discovers for himself an inner world that is independent of circumstances in the world around him. He becomes less egocentric, needs less approval or recognition, does not focus on material matters, does not strive for a high social position. A truly developed spiritual life can offer many benefits, both emotional and physical. He becomes happier, healthier, more loving, understanding.

What is spirituality in a religious context? It is the basis of the major world religions and some humanistic ideologies. So, in India, spiritual experience is taught through yoga. Most people perceive it as certain physical poses, which are actually only one of its components. Yoga is divided into four types or modes of spiritual experience associated with the four basic instincts of man. Controlling the mind, introspection, the ability to abstract from feelings and focusing on the source of one’s own thoughts. Love and devotion in a relationship, understanding that love is the ultimate truth in the very heart of creation. Performing actions without any selfish motivation. The fourth way to understand spirituality is through the mind, understanding how the laws of nature work, since they are the mind of the universe.