
Support vehicle "Terminator". BMPT "Terminator": description, characteristics

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Support vehicle "Terminator". BMPT "Terminator": description, characteristics
Support vehicle "Terminator". BMPT "Terminator": description, characteristics

Video: BMPT "Terminator" - Tank Support Fighting Vehicle 2024, June

Video: BMPT "Terminator" - Tank Support Fighting Vehicle 2024, June

Unfortunately, over the past 20 years, our armored forces have been repeatedly used in the most unsuccessful situations for them, which is why tankers suffered significant losses in equipment and personnel. In many respects, this is due to the fact that MBTs were used in urban conditions without satisfactory cover by groups of foot soldiers. In principle, the Soviet developers who created the machine, who later received the sonorous nickname "Terminator", were thinking about all this. BMPT, that is, a tank support combat vehicle, was to accompany tank units subject to cleansing cities and suppress the actions of enemy grenade launchers and missile system operators, being in close cooperation with their infantrymen.


It must be said that the development of such equipment was begun in the USSR, back during the Afghan campaign. Then it became clear the unpleasant features of the domestic BMP-1/2, which were too easily knocked out even from heavy machine guns, but they had to act in "tank" conditions, for which, theoretically, this armored vehicle was intended (albeit partially). The first BMPT Terminator model (you will see a photo of the car in the article) was called the Viper, but after the collapse of the USSR everyone was not up to it.

Basic information

The experience of recent years (especially the actions of Americans in Iraq) clearly shows that well-equipped infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers in settlements are not inferior in their combat effectiveness to anything, and sometimes even surpass tanks. This is due to the fact that their weapons are much better suited for identifying and eliminating an enemy armed with heavy anti-tank weapons. In addition, practice shows that the enemy rarely uses expensive anti-tank systems to kill light armored vehicles, preferring to use heavy machine guns. At the same time, the crew of the same BMP often remains alive, and the accompanying equipment detects unmasking fire and destroys the enemy.

For this, NATO forces prefer to use heavy infantry fighting vehicles, and in our country a special machine, the Terminator, has long been created for this purpose. This BMPT allows you to solve the widest range of combat missions.

What it is?

Rosoboronexport first demonstrated this technique at an international exhibition back in 2011, but it was created much earlier. This machine, which has a full range of weapons for protection against anti-tank weapons, and also has a powerful "diagnostic" complex, designed to identify and destroy the enemy's camouflaged manpower. The same technique can be used to destroy low flying targets, including combat and transport helicopters, as well as drones. Because of what did the car get the "overseas" nickname "Terminator"? This BMPT really has no analogues in the world, which is why it was dubbed by the Western media, delighted with the capabilities of the Russian novelty.


What is it for?

BMPT is intended for operations as part of motorized rifle, tank and infantry units. But its main task is to identify and suppress all enemy weapons that pose a direct danger to the tanks. The main weapon of the machine - the 10-mm gun OPU 2A70, to which an impressive ammunition is attached - allows it to effectively suppress targets of various types at a distance of up to five thousand meters, and also fight almost on equal terms even with enemy heavy armored vehicles.

So, at a distance of up to 2.5 thousand meters BMPT can effectively fight even with tanks. A 40-mm grenade launcher mounted on the tower allows you to destroy enemy manpower at a distance of up to two kilometers. This weapon clearly shows the layout of the BMPT Terminator. The model (“Star” TV showed it in one of the issues) allows you to visually verify the reasonableness and power of standard weapons.

If there is a need to defeat heavy enemy armored vehicles at a distance of up to five kilometers, Arkan missiles launched through the main gun are used. For the same purpose, the Kornet ATGM was mounted on board, the missiles of which are in containers that have protection against bullets and fragments. In both cases, it is possible to effectively destroy not only tanks, but also enemy helicopters at a distance of up to four kilometers (provided they move along an inclined path).

Features of the new car


At state tests, the possibilities of defeating the enemy’s manpower through the use of all weapon systems were evaluated. The very first prototype BMPT "Terminator" then managed to impress everyone. The test results were excellent. This is largely due not so much to the power of the guns as to the modern complex of surveillance devices that were previously installed only on the latest domestic tanks (and even then in the export configuration). A full range of weapons allows simultaneous firing at once for three purposes.

Thus, in a combat situation, each crew member can perform their task. Because of this, even the prototype BMPT “Terminator” (level 6 armor protection, by the way), showed an extremely high degree of combat effectiveness, which even tank indicators do not always reach.

Caring for the life of the crew

This car is especially distinguished due to the increased concern for the safety of the crew. Relatively small dimensions and thoughtful coloring ensure its low visibility on the battlefield. BMPT "Terminator", the photo of which is in the article, is equipped with built-in dynamic protection, which several times increases the chances of the crew to survive when firing cumulative ammunition. There is also an active smoke screening system. When using it, the equipment can be hidden not only from visual detection by the enemy in battle, but also significantly reduce the likelihood of it being hit by missiles with active homing systems. There is also the possibility of jamming for artillery systems with laser targeting systems.

The side projections of the machine are completely covered by dynamic protection screens. In combination with remote lattice screens that were developed at the Research Institute of Steel, this allows for maximum survivability of the BMPT Terminator. The prefabricated model of this car, which has been repeatedly shown on TV, allows you to visually evaluate the reservation of the building.

The entire fuel supply is also located in high-quality armored compartments inside the hull. Like the sides, the aft projection is completely covered by trellis screens. Even when the armor is pierced, the probability of the crew hitting it with fragments is minimized, since the entire internal volume of the landing compartment is lined with special fabric screens that protect people in the womb of the BMPT. "Terminator" drawings (general), which can sometimes be seen in the media, confirm that the degree of survival of fighters in this machine is probably no lower than in a modern tank.

Mobility and maneuverability


Despite its impressive mass and reservation, the car has excellent maneuverability and mobility. This was made possible by mounting a significantly improved diesel engine with a capacity of 1, 000 liters. with. There is turbocharging, cooling - liquid, running gear and transmission - old, time-tested models that provide the most smooth ride. If you look at the breadboard model of the BMPT Terminator (model 1:35), it becomes obvious that the transmission was taken from tanks of the T-72/90 family with virtually no changes.

One of the main features of the new machine is its modularity. Because of this, combat modules can be mounted on almost all types of tank chassis manufactured in the USSR and Russia. The manufacturer claims that they can also be put on relatively light infantry fighting vehicles and even on small tonnage sea boats. However, only time can reveal the specific possibilities of using this machine and its modifications.

In any case, the information currently available suggests that the massive use of this equipment in the troops will significantly reduce losses, increase the maneuverability and combat effectiveness of motorized infantry and tank troops. Even more promising is the new Terminator. BMPT-72, to be more precise.


As the name suggests, the main difference from the previous model is the type of chassis used. In fairness, it is worth saying that even the first BMPT Terminator model was already created on the basis of the widespread and technologically advanced T-72 tank, but then they decided to use the more advanced T-90. The creators returned to the original version: T-72 stocks of early modifications are many, which is important if there is a need for mass production of “Terminators”. In addition, the old T-72s are armed with dozens of states that are likely to be interested in buying the BMPT Terminator. Photos of this technique, which regularly appear in Western media, indirectly confirm this fact.

Second generation features

The manufacturer himself claims that the mass of the second-generation car is 44 tons. Depending on the specific modification of the tank that was used for the conversion, the power of the installed engine varies from 800 to 1000 liters. with. The maximum speed on the highway is up to 60 km / h, on rough terrain - within 35-43 km / h. At one gas station, the car can go up to 700 km.


Unlike BMP-2 and even BMP-3, which, contrary to the military doctrine used in our country, is simply unrealistic to use along with tanks, the BMPT can very well be used in the front echelon. In this case, not only tankers, but also suppliers will be happy: in fact, the chassis of the Terminator is no different from the T-72, so there will be no issues with spare parts.

You can immediately notice that the BMPT ("Terminator" drawings confirm this) is much heavier than the "clean" T-72 of the earlier series. This is explained by the installation of new combat modules and defense systems. The forehead and sides are covered with dynamic protection plates. The engine compartment is additionally equipped with grills to prevent the defeat of cumulative grenades. Finally, to complicate the use of anti-tank systems, there are jamming systems, as well as mortars for the release of smoke grenades.

Simplification and unification of production

Since the production of the new machine was greatly simplified, this model has quite noticeable differences from the previous version. The crew consists of only three people: they removed two full-time grenade throwers and their weapons, leaving the driver, commander and gunner. These measures made it possible to significantly simplify the re-equipment of the old tank, since the planning of the reserved volume remains practically unchanged. Finally, the absence of two people will greatly simplify both the training of the crew and the combat use of the machine.

Armament of the second modification

As in the past case, the entire weapons complex is mounted on a tower. In general, the BMPT Terminator itself, the armament of which is disclosed in the article, fully fits into the standard shoulder strap of the T-72, without requiring any modifications to the hull. Almost all of the turret equipment and weapons are completely identical to the first replica of the Terminator. But there are some technical nuances that significantly increase the security and combat survivability of the machine. Particularly noticeable is the high-quality bulletproof booking of all elements made to the armor, without exception.

The main trump card is two 30 mm 2A42 guns, which are fairly reliably covered by an armored casing. Their total ammunition is 850 shells. The guns are omnivorous; any 30-mm shells of domestic production can be used for firing. Shooting can be conducted in two modes: rapid-fire, when a gun makes more than 500 shots per minute, and slow when the rate of fire does not exceed 200-300 rounds per minute. Directly above the guns is the PKTM machine gun, the ammunition for which is 2100 rounds. In urban combat, it is extremely useful, providing increased protection BMPT-72 "Terminator".

Other enhancements


There were many claims to the first model, the essence of which was the poor protection of the ATGM. This time, guided anti-tank weapons are located in two well-armored casings, inside of which there can be 9M120-1 or 9M120-1F / 4 missiles. They can effectively hit heavy enemy armored vehicles at a distance of up to six kilometers. Management complex - B07C1. His work was well covered at the presentation of BMPT Terminator from Zvezda.

There are sights for the gunner and commander of the combat vehicle, the laser rangefinders are also part of the sighting system. To facilitate aiming and increase combat effectiveness, the barrel stabilizer and a high-quality ballistic computer are used. The commander of the machine can use the scope using a thermal or television channel. The field of view is stabilized in two planes. The commander also has his own rangefinder. The gunner can use a sight with optical and thermal imaging channels. According to the characteristics, it is equivalent to the commander’s, but has a special laser channel for guiding missiles.

Since normal sighting devices of a modern level are actually installed on the machine, the commander has every chance of detecting the enemy at a distance of up to five kilometers. At night, this distance is reduced to 3.5 km. The gunner has the same ability to detect targets. And this is pleasing, since on many domestic T-72s that are in the army, the gunner has better working conditions than even a commander who simply does not see what is available to his subordinate.

On the prospects of a new development


Immediately after the appearance of new equipment at exhibitions, representatives of the Ministry of Defense spoke about its prospects. Everyone has a firm belief that the machine will find its customers. One of the main highlights of the BMPT is the chassis, borrowed from a solid and unpretentious T-72. Since these tanks are used everywhere, customers will not have to spend much money on retraining mechanics and crews.

An interesting feature of the new equipment lies in the fact that it was originally created not only from the standpoint of building new vehicles, but also with an eye to the re-equipment of tanks already in service. There is also official information from the manufacturer, which indicates the willingness to supply customers with not only ready-made machines, but also conversion kits with a team of engineers who can convert the old T-72 in place. Firstly, this approach will cost several times cheaper. Secondly, on-site specialists will be better able to adapt the equipment they are remodeling to local realities.