
The massacre in Karaganda. Why are Kazakhs set against Armenians?

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The massacre in Karaganda. Why are Kazakhs set against Armenians?
The massacre in Karaganda. Why are Kazakhs set against Armenians?

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Tense were the New Year holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Namely - in Karaganda. The fact is that even on the night of January 1, in one of the restaurants of the city, what arose in the everyday language is called a showdown between customers. Apparently, at least, such a conclusion can be drawn from local media reports, as it sometimes happens - word for word, and the conflict escalated into a fight. And in a massive fight. As a result, one person died from his injuries. Three more were hospitalized. The incident is undoubtedly tragic, but usually law enforcement agencies quickly and accurately deal with such situations. However, this time everything can get out of the control of law enforcement officers.

What exactly happened


According to information from the regional police department, to which the media refer, at night from December 31 to January 1, two groups of customers didn’t share something in the Karaganda restaurant “Ancient Rome”, as a result of which a conflict arose first, which then turned into a mass brawl. Four participants in the incident received stab wounds. One of them has died.

Three detained - one on the run


Further, the police relatively quickly reported that three men had been detained: Torgom Malkhasyan, Sokhas Malkhasyan, Cairo Nadyrbekov. They are considered suspected of having committed a “serious crime”. For all three, the court chose a preventive measure - detention. Investigations are underway for hooliganism and murder. There is another person whom the police suspect of involvement in this crime. This is Narek Gururyan. But according to the police department, he is wanted.


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Strange speech

As you can see, everything, although tragic, but, in general, does not go beyond the scope of a normal incident, which is also under the control of the police. But then strange things started. Suddenly, the regional Karaganda prosecutor Marat Seksembaev in his statement mentioned some individuals trying to destabilize the situation, and even had to warn citizens of criminal liability for inciting ethnic hatred. What happened?

The ubiquitous social networks

Seksembaev, in general, revealed the background of his words in the same statement, saying that deliberately false information was circulated on social networks that the conflict had allegedly occurred on ethnic grounds, and that this false information, he said, was aimed at manipulating the opinion of the public.

Foreign goodies


Indeed, in social networks you can find comments under the materials about the tragedy and even the speeches of individual bloggers, in which Kazakhs and Armenians are directly opposed. It is said, for example, that about thirty Armenians attacked four Kazakhs and brutally beat them, as a result of which one of the victims died. And then there are very interesting generalizations on the topic of what non-people are Armenians in general and how the Kazakh people have been suffering from them for almost a century, that Russia covers Armenians (again, Russia is to blame for everything). It is interesting that anti-Armenian comments are sometimes written not by Kazakhs at all, and it is not the Kazakh blogger who makes generalizations about “non-Armenian Armenians”. These are representatives of another respected country that has been in conflict with Armenia for decades. And as for the mentioned blogger, he separately stipulates that he sympathizes with the Kazakhs and therefore, including that they are representatives of the Turkic people. Really, a curious twist? We recall, the Armenians are Christians. That's what the prosecutor of the Karaganda region had in mind in his statement.

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Passions run high


Meanwhile, the residents of Karaganda are demanding that the law enforcement authorities promptly investigate the crime and punish the perpetrators. So, already on the sixth of January, several hundred Karaganda residents, as reported by local media, gathered outside the building of the regional Department of the Interior with demands to provide them with information about the ongoing investigation. Then they began to move to the buildings of other state institutions. The protesters expressed concern that the case would be launched on the brakes and the perpetrators would be able to avoid punishment. Naturally, in such a situation, people behaved quite emotionally.

It is promised that everyone will answer according to the law.


Authorities do not seem to avoid communicating with people. At least, the oblast akim (head of the administration) Yerlan Koshanov promptly met with the protesters, who said that the case was under the control of the highest authorities and that no one could escape punishment under the law. Later, the Akim’s press service published information that local authorities met with relatives of the deceased in a mass brawl. According to the press service, during the meeting, the relatives of the deceased were informed in detail about the progress of the investigation. Eight parties to the conflict have already been identified, seven are detained. The investigation is controlled by the country's prosecutor general. The press service separately draws attention to the fact that the tragedy was the result of a conflict between two companies of restaurant visitors, and not a conflict on ethnic grounds.

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Ready to give up


I would like to believe that Kazakhstani law enforcement officers will really quickly understand everything and conduct a thorough investigation, and the court will put a fair point in the matter. And all those guilty will indeed be punished. I also want to believe that the residents of Karaganda will have enough patience and sanity so as not to succumb to provocations. Yes, among the detainees are two Armenians. And one has not yet been detained. But this is not a reason for provocative generalizations and for hostility between Armenians and Kazakhs. All the more so since the not yet detained Narek Gururyan has already uploaded a video to the network, where he says that he is ready to surrender to the authorities and suffer the deserved punishment. By the way, a little less than three years ago, an ethnic conflict was also in full swing in Kazakhstan. In the south of the country. In the village of Buryl. But then there were clashes between Kazakhs and local Turks, after one of them killed a six-year-old child while trying to rob.