men's issues

Lateral cut of the tire: repair or replacement? Can it be repaired?

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Lateral cut of the tire: repair or replacement? Can it be repaired?
Lateral cut of the tire: repair or replacement? Can it be repaired?

Video: How To EASILY Repair Damage To The Sidewall of A Car Tire 2024, June

Video: How To EASILY Repair Damage To The Sidewall of A Car Tire 2024, June

A side cut on the tire is a very serious problem, much worse than a standard puncture. At certain times, the driver may not be able to replace the wheel, as a result of which repair of the indicated malfunction is required. It is important not to forget that this defect requires a careful and professional approach, since the possibility of complete destruction of the tire is quite high. Depending on the degree of damage, even at the most critical moments, such a “wound” cannot always be “darned”.


Description of the problem

In the case of a side cut of the car tire, the integrity of the cord is violated, the fibers of which form the inner frame. He is responsible for the stiffness, configuration and strength of the entire element. This means that the wheel automatically loses its characteristics, so it is advisable to repair only minor deformations. With large cuts, the applied efforts will not have an effect, the part will not be restored, but the degree of safety of driving the car will significantly decrease.

It should be remembered that cord fibers in radial modifications are perpendicular to the wheel circumference, in diagonal versions they are overlapped and at a certain angle. Repairing this malfunction is more effective in the first models. But do not despair, diagonal configurations on modern cars are practically not used.

Damage Dimensions

The degree of side cut is determined by whether a critical value of this parameter has been achieved. Defining this level is easy:

  1. Longitudinal deformation, extending along the cord threads, should be no more than 50 millimeters (to be repaired).
  2. Similar damage to the transverse type of more than 30 millimeters cannot be repaired.
  3. Regardless of the quality and wear of the rubber: if the cut is closer to the edge of the tire forty millimeters, it is not allowed to operate.


Freight versions are distinguished into a separate category, the repair of which is more difficult. Due to increased loads and operational nuances, in this case, deformation is considered critical, affecting ten cord fibers. If this value is exceeded, the tire can only be thrown away.

How to repair a side cut yourself?

The elimination of the considered malfunction is fundamentally different from the repair of rubber with standard punctures of the tread. This feature is associated with a smaller thickness of the side surface of the car tire. In addition, this part of the wheel receives enhanced impact and dynamic deformation. Especially overload is felt on bad roads and when driving on the road.

To eliminate these problems, the optimal method is the one consisting of the following steps:

  1. A side cut is treated so that a bowl configuration is obtained. To do this, use a small abrasive, which grinds the edges of the deformed zone. This stage is very important because it subsequently provides reliable bonding of the reinforcing latki.
  2. Then the treated part is degreased with white spirit, alcohol or other substances, after which it is filled with a uniform layer of crude rubber.
  3. The prepared tire is sent for vulcanization. Manipulation is performed using an industrial hair dryer or a special camera.
  4. At the final stage, the patch installation site is cleaned, then static wheel balancing is performed.



Fixing a side cut of a tire on your own is relevant when the malfunction is not critical. Nevertheless, such a tire should be operated carefully, since even after an independent, albeit carefully done repair, the risk of a wheel beating is high. If it is not possible to replace the tire, it is better to operate it as a spare tire.

This method is far from suitable for all side cuts. Quite often, it is recommended to replace a damaged tire with a working version. With excess deformations, there is an increased risk of tearing off the patch with subsequent negative consequences. A particularly dangerous moment occurs when driving at high speed. An independent repair of this defect should be approached carefully and responsibly.


Service maintenance

Better, faster and better to fix this problem in a specialized service center. This is due to the availability of equipment intended for such work, suitable tools and consumables, as well as with the relevant experience of the workshop employees. The repair of the side cut of the wheel from the point of view of specialists consists of the following manipulations:


  1. The tire is dismantled, inspection of the defective place is carried out.
  2. The hole is cut along the edges with the help of cutting pliers, which guarantees high quality welding.
  3. The treated area is cleaned with a drill, after which special cement is applied.
  4. Raw rubber is cut into thin strips that stretch and fit into the prepared cut.
  5. Curing is carried out using the appropriate device.
  6. Next, the treated place is cleaned, marking is performed for mounting the patch with reinforcement.
  7. Previously, the site is degreased, cement is applied. After it dries, glue the prepared piece of rubber.
  8. At the edges, the patch is processed with a high-quality sealant compound. It should dry completely.

At the finish phase, the reconditioned tire is mounted on the rim. Then balancing is carried out with the help of compensating weights.

Further, the tire can be operated as intended, however. excessive loads and high speeds should be avoided. The repaired element must undergo a certain run-in with full testing on real roads.

Lateral cut of the tire: repair or replacement?

After repairing the tire, she needs to pay special attention. Several points should be highlighted:

  • in the event that the rubber on the front axle breaks, the controllability of the vehicle drops sharply, which is fraught with leaving the cuvette;
  • if this happens on the rear tire, the risk of a serious accident is several times lower;
  • do not mount the restored wheels in the front, as the large mass of the body gives an increased load on the front tires, especially on cars with a leading front axle.

In any case, you should not get carried away by high speeds on rubber with a repaired side cut, since even the most modern technologies do not restore its properties by 100%.
