
Boris Fuchsman: biography and personal life

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Boris Fuchsman: biography and personal life
Boris Fuchsman: biography and personal life

The biography and personal life of Boris Fuchsman, his current projects and commercial activities are relevant topics for most modern Ukrainians. But what is this businessman known for, and why is the biography of Boris Fuchsman so interesting?

A few words about the media tycoon

The emblem "1 + 1" is well known, probably throughout Ukraine. But not every Ukrainian knows about who founded this popular television channel today. But in fact, the story of the creation of a beloved media company is very interesting. The real founder of the current Ukrainian television is rightfully considered Boris Fuchsman. Today, this businessman is one of the most famous media moguls in the whole country.


Maybe the founder of the channel "1 + 1" does not appear on TV screens as often as other public figures, but this does not reduce the weight of his contribution to the media field. But where did his creative biography begin, and what is Boris Fuchsman known for yet?

Fuchsman's biography began in the Soviet Union, continued in the vastness of Germany, and today the lion's share of his business is located in Ukraine. In general, the biography of the founder Boris Fuchsman is directly related to significant events on Ukrainian television, the film industry and film distribution.


The Jewish family of the antiquarian in Kiev in Soviet times - this is where the biography of Boris Fuchsman began. The date of birth of the future millionaire is February 12, 1947, and nationality is Jewish. The boy became interested in the media world in childhood, which subsequently influenced his decision to devote his life to this particular activity. And indeed, the television world pretty quickly came into the life of Boris. After graduating from school, in 1966, the guy gave his preference to the Kiev Trade and Economic Institute. And after him, Boris went to the Kiev studio of documentaries, where he got a job as an assistant operator. Just a few months later, Fuchsman began to assist the director.


Then the family of the future tycoon changed his place of residence, moving to Germany, where Boris lives to this day. Actually, here the biography of Boris Fuchsman began as a media magnate. Although, despite this, the businessman spends most of his time in Ukraine, because on the territory of this state, his most ambitious and serious projects are developing that need the attention of their owner.

Carier start

What began the media biography of Boris Fuchsman? A photo of an already held businessman often flashes in the subjects of business programs and on the pages of publications devoted to commerce. Now Boris Leonidovich is considered a true standard and a striking example of building a truly successful activity. What is the secret of the tycoon's success and where did his path begin? This question is actually interesting to many, because the biography of Boris Fuchsman is simply full of unique and entertaining projects.


The year 1990 was marked for Boris Leonidovich by the beginning of the company called "Innova Film", which specialized in film content. In part, this content has become the basis for the program channel "1 + 1". Some of the film works produced at the Innova Film have won many awards at various film festivals. So, the company’s most notable project was the film “A Thousand and One Dishes of a Cook in Love, ” which was nominated for an Oscar.

Project "1 + 1"

Perhaps the biography of Boris Fuchsman would not be complete without mentioning one of the main projects in his life, which brought him fame and recognition of millions of Ukrainians.

In 1995, Boris Fuchsman, in partnership with his cousin Alexander Rodnyansky, launched the new national channel Studio 1 + 1 on the Ukrainian television market, which was a real breakthrough among Ukrainian media centers. Subsequently, this channel became legendary, quickly gaining recognition and popularity among the audience. Entertaining programs for an audience of different ages, unusual content, extravagant formats - this attracted everyone's attention. For 13 years, successful partners oversaw this project, but in 2008 they had to sell their brainchild to the famous Ukrainian businessman Igor Kolomoisky. The change of leadership, of course, affected the direction of the channel and entailed significant changes both in the team and most of the key features of the channel.


The activities of Boris Leonidovich

But be that as it may, the 1 + 1 TV channel is not the only major project led by Boris Fuchsman. For example, in 2007, Fuchsman opened the first cinema-multiplex called "Cinema City", which today is a network. Fuchsman multiplexes have become extremely popular in Ukraine due to the modern convenient format, relevance, extraordinary content, scale. Boris Fuchsman, whose biography and photo is always in the center of public attention, is constantly improving this network, introducing new and unusual ideas into it.

In early 2013, the construction of the Hilton Hotel in Kiev was completed. Alexander Rodnyansky and Boris Fuchsman became the main sponsors of this construction, due to which part of this business belongs to them.

Among other things, Boris is the owner of the company Ukrainian Media Group, which has become yet another very interesting and colorful project by Fuchsman. This is a company of European level, participating in the filming of numerous films, series and television shows broadcast in Russia and Ukraine.


But not only Boris is known for these matters today. Despite the fact that Boris Fuchsman, whose biography is carefully hidden by himself, conceals his own charitable activities, the presence of such in his life is no longer a secret to anyone. Indeed, good deeds always deserve greater recognition than ordinary business. For example, the restoration of the synagogue in Düsseldorf, the reconstruction of a nursing home in Kiev, and financial assistance to numerous Jewish communities can be safely called the achievement of the media magnate.


In addition to the media industry, Fuchsman Boris Leonidovich, whose biography is a vivid example of determination and success, is also interested in art. Not so long ago, Boris Leonidovich and his partners surprised everyone by buying a unique collection of Ukrainian paintings in the style of the avant-garde. 86 paintings were presented in the framework of the project "Our Heritage", which took place in the US capital. The exhibition made a splash.

Large real estate, rare collections, a successful media business - this enabled Boris Leonidovich to be in ninety place in the ranking of the richest people in Ukraine.

Personal life of a businessman

Like most public people, Boris Fuchsman carefully conceals the biography of the family. True, despite this, stories from his private life often get into the press. Most regularly in the media you can see information about the relationship between Fuchsman and People's Deputy of Ukraine Irina Berezhnaya. It was around this story that many gossip and scandals constantly arose. Unfortunately, in August 2017, Boris's lover had a car accident with her daughter in Croatia and died. After that, the media tycoon officially announced the existence of a relationship between him and the deceased people's deputy, and also engaged in the adoption of his daughter Daniella, who, fortunately, remained alive. By the way, the businessman’s wife gave her consent to such a serious step. Now the illegitimate daughter of Fuchsman is 8 years old, but in addition to her, Boris has legitimate children.


Fuchsman was officially married only once. His chosen one was a Kiev woman with Jewish roots named Erna. The couple’s wedding took place before the Fuchsman family left for Germany. At the same time, Erna gave birth to Boris the first daughter, whom happy parents named Michelle.