
Board number 1. What does Putin fly?

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Board number 1. What does Putin fly?
Board number 1. What does Putin fly?

Video: EXCLUSIVE! Putin's Pilots Explains How They Landed Russia’s Air Force One In Dense Fog! 2024, June

Video: EXCLUSIVE! Putin's Pilots Explains How They Landed Russia’s Air Force One In Dense Fog! 2024, June

Everyone knows how often the head of the Russian state has to travel around the globe. He makes a working trip to Argentina, goes on a friendly visit to India, goes to the Russian regions to solve internal problems … Naturally, the fastest way to get around is by plane. And what does Putin fly on? For the president, board number 1 is not just a means of transportation, but a mobile control center of the country and an office simultaneously. The state aviation special unit “Russia” exercises control over the state of the “air residence” of the head of state.

Historical excursion

For the elite of the party elite, aircraft began to function during the start of World War II. A special air group (MIGON) was created, which was obliged to provide aircraft with high-ranking officials.


Joseph Stalin flew to the Tehran Conference at S-47. Nikita Khrushchev preferred to make business trips on the IL-18. Then the aircraft designers created the IL-62 specially for him, but Mikhail Gorbachev was already flying on this aircraft.

Airplane of the head of state

But back to the question of what Putin flies on. It should be noted that Vladimir Vladimirovich can use several machines for work. The Presidential fleet of aircraft includes 8 vehicles and 2 helicopters. And yet, what is Putin flying on? The main transport that he uses to move in mid-air is the flagship Il-96-300PU. The liner, impressive in its dimensions, has everything necessary for fruitful work and good rest. So, we found out what Putin is flying on. Now let's move on to those features that are inherent in board number 1.


It should be noted that the IL-96-300PU aircraft is an excellent platform for managing public affairs and the country's army, since the flagship is equipped with a full set of electronics.


The interior is also impressive. Huge amounts of money were spent on wood coverings, based on walnut veneer.


Anyone who has never had a clue on what brand of the plane Putin is flying can ask the following question: “How is safety of board No. 1 ensured?” It is noteworthy that protection is carried out not only from the ground, but also from the air. A whole army of dispatchers and an impressive number of air defense devices control the takeoff and landing moments of the presidential airliner, since it is at these times that the risk of a terrorist attack is great. In airspace, board No. 1 is protected by experienced pilots of a special cover unit.

There is also a set of additional security measures. For example, the enemy managed to torpedo a rocket. How can it be neutralized? With the help of its own airborne defense device, through the release of anti-missiles. You can also neutralize heat traps.


In addition, there are masking coatings for aircraft hulls, thanks to which they become invulnerable to missile guidance systems and jamming. As a result, a rocket launched from the ground is subject to neutralization. This is what plane Putin flies on!

On top of that, the flagship Il-96-300PU is equipped with all the necessary communications, including satellite. Thus, the probability of breaking the control systems of the aircraft of the head of state is reduced to zero.

A vehicle not inferior in quality to the aircraft of the American president

Undoubtedly, the IL-96-300PU is no worse than the Air Force One, on which the American president is moving. Considering the question of which plane Putin flies on, we described in detail what safety features are equipped with board No. 1. Its main advantage is that no one knows which route the president’s flagship will follow.


Of course, the head of the Russian state for travel could potentially use not only the IL-96-300PU. As already emphasized, he can choose other brands.


And on what plane does Russian President Putin still fly? We are talking about TU-154M, TU-134, IL-62M, Yak-40. The fact is that in the air the main aircraft accompanies the backup (if any force majeure happens) - this is a worldwide practice. It is noteworthy that the flagship airliner of the “safety net” vehicle did not have a certain period of time.

Back in 1993, an application was received at the aircraft factory (Voronezh) for the company to build two IL-96 aircraft. However, due to the limited financial budget, only one was paid. The second plane began to be built only after Vladimir Putin became the helm of power.

To date, the IL-62M is proposed as a replacement, although it is inferior to the IL-96-300PU in terms of technical characteristics.

What factors determine what Putin flies on? The plane is selected taking into account the conditions of the airport, the nature of the trip, the flight distance. If we are talking about a state visit to Japan, then it is more rational to use one brand of aircraft, but if there is a need for a working trip to Yakutia, then another is needed here.


There is another addition to the question of which plane Russian President Putin flies on. The head of state, as a rule, operates the machines of his personal squadron. The exception is extraordinary cases, in particular, the famous flight of the president in a fighter. When there is a need to transfer from an airplane to a helicopter, MI-8 is activated, which is sent from the deployment base to the place where only the IL-96-300PU has landed. The flagship is necessarily accompanied by a commander and two shift crews. A crew of flight attendants is working on board the airliner: five men and five women.

Employees of the State Customs Committee "Russia"

Of course, of great interest is not only the information about which plane Putin flies on (the IL-96-300PU photo is regularly published on the pages of the Russian press), but also the question of whether it is easy to get a job at the Rossiya State Customs Committee.

It should be noted that getting into the structure that is responsible for the state of board No. 1 is quite difficult: the credentials committee of the airline, which manages personnel, makes strict demands on candidates. First of all, its members pay attention to the age and level of qualification of a potential employee, who, among other things, must possess such qualities as responsibility, diligence, and trustworthiness. It should not be thought that the "newly made" employees of the SCC "Russia" immediately get on board the aircraft on which the president flies. To get this opportunity, the "rookie" must go through all the steps of the career ladder and prove the highest level of professionalism.


The staff of the SCC "Russia" adheres to the strictest discipline and subordination.