
What did singer Nargiz look like without a tattoo or piercing? Olga Kormukhina shared a photo in which the singer is only 16 years old

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What did singer Nargiz look like without a tattoo or piercing? Olga Kormukhina shared a photo in which the singer is only 16 years old
What did singer Nargiz look like without a tattoo or piercing? Olga Kormukhina shared a photo in which the singer is only 16 years old

Some people that we know today see and hear thanks to television, radio and the global Internet, saturated with bright colors, sometimes have a very interesting past, which for us may even seem extremely unusual. A vivid example of this is the now popular singer Nargiz Zakirova. We’ll talk about it in more detail in our article.



The main essence is as follows: more than thirty years ago, the still very young and unknown singer Nargiz, whose star in the sky of the Russian show business really only came to light after a while, got into the frame. Surprisingly, many do not realize that the singer began her serious musical career even when numerous pioneers in red ties walked the streets of our country, and not the president, but the general secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR sat in the Kremlin.


Erroneous stereotype

Most of today's listeners are firmly convinced that Zakirova began her career in 2013 on a popular television show called “Voice”. It was then that Nargiz turned out to be the most original performer of the competition, who managed to bring rock and roll notes to the strong competition, which clearly won the love of the audience and gained new fans.

In reality, the singer entered the stage back in 1986 in Jurmala at a competition of young talents, which was regularly held in those days.