
Burmatov Vladimir Vladimirovich: photo and biography of the State Duma deputy

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Burmatov Vladimir Vladimirovich: photo and biography of the State Duma deputy
Burmatov Vladimir Vladimirovich: photo and biography of the State Duma deputy

Burmatov Vladimir Vladimirovich - a famous domestic politician. He is a deputy of the State Duma. Previously, he was a member of the committee of the federal parliament, which oversees public associations and religious organizations. Burmatov was also noted as the first deputy head of the Ural Coordinating Council of the United Russia party. In the federal parliament, he heads the committee on ecology and environmental protection.

Education Policy


Vladimir Vladimirovich Burmatov was born in the Chelyabinsk region in 1981. His childhood passed in the city of Yuzhnouralsk. He moved to the regional center only in 1997. There he graduated from gymnasium No. 63.

In 1998, the hero of our article entered the Chelyabinsk State University. He became a student at the Faculty of Management. Even in his youth he showed organizational qualities. All five courses were the headman of the group.

He graduated with honors, received the specialty of state and municipal manager.

In 2006, he received his second higher education at the State Academy of Culture and Art of Chelyabinsk. He defended his thesis with Professor Mikhail Duranov on the formation of an information culture among young people. After that, he became a candidate of pedagogical sciences.

Professional career


In 2006, Vladimir Vladimirovich Burmatov got the job of the chief specialist for working with youth in the regional Chelyabinsk executive committee of the United Russia party. Then he joined the Young Guard movement. Since 2006, he was twice elected to the political council.

In 2008, Vladimir Vladimirovich Burmatov continued his career as one of the leaders of the regional headquarters of the Young Guard of United Russia. In this position, he noted a large number of controversial actions against representatives of other political movements.

In 2009, he completed an internship at the school of Kremlin bloggers with a domestic political scientist and journalist Alexei Chadayev. Then he entered the reserve of managerial personnel.

Meeting with the President


Vladimir Burmatov, whose photo is in this article, in 2010 met with Russian President Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. This happened at the congress of the asset of the political party "United Russia".

During a conversation with the head of state, Burmatov called himself the same blogger as the president, claiming that his blog is in the top 50 of Yandex. Later, these data did not find confirmation.

Work with bloggers


In 2010, the original decision was made at the presidium of the general council of the United Russia party. Party officials decided to work with bloggers. To do this, they created a public council whose main goal was to work with the blogosphere.

Ruslan Gattarov headed the council, but Burmatov just became his deputy.

For several years he led the author's program on the radio "Vesti FM". It was called Blog Review.

In the State Duma


In 2011, Burmatov won the election to the State Duma. Once in the federal parliament, he joined the education committee.

A year later, a scandal erupted around the politician. He was accused of plagiarizing his dissertation. After that, he left the post of first deputy head of the committee, became one of the rank-and-file members of the committee on public associations. At the same time he joined the parliamentary assembly of the Federation Council.

At the same time, State Duma deputy Vladimir Burmatov began to build a career at the University of Economics, which bears the name of Plekhanov. He became the head of the department of social communications and political science. After the scandal with plagiarism, he had to leave the university. It is interesting that in 2013, when this story was somewhat forgotten, he acted as an ardent fighter against plagiarism in the scientific works of officials. While working in the State Duma, Vladimir Vladimirovich Burmatov openly called for the dismissal of all employees from the federal Ministry of Education whose studies found copied data.

In 2012, he was appointed one of the leaders of the interregional coordination council of United Russia in the Urals. This was a new turn in the biography of Vladimir Burmatov. The hero of our article was responsible for ideological work. In May of that year, he became a member of the commission of the presidium of the party’s general council for dealing with a large number of citizens' appeals.

And soon after that he was elected to the general council of the ruling party. In 2016, he became the second time deputy of the State Duma from the Chelyabinsk region. In September, at the suggestion of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, he began to lead the central executive committee.

Burmatov is married, has a daughter and a son. In the summer of 2017, there were reports in the media that the chair under the current head of the region, Boris Dubrovsky, swung. The press read in the place of Governor Vladimir Vladimirovich Burmatov. However, so far no official data confirming or refuting this information have been received.

Scandals around the personality of Burmatov


For all his successful party and political career, Burmatov often becomes a participant in scandals. For example, on the network it is known as a source that has become a meme for the abbreviation BINH. It is deciphered obscene. She is often used in the comments on his posts.

In addition, in 2010 Burmatov and Gattarov were at the center of another unpleasant scandal, which the media called the fireman. It was they who were accused of organizing the stewing of trees near Ryazan, which the Young Guards themselves had previously set on fire.

The bloggers who analyzed the video they recorded found many inconsistencies. For example, the fire was extinguished in an area that was very far from the place of the actual fires, the activists had too clean clothes and shovels, there was no smoke, and Burmatov himself posted dozens of messages on social networks while fighting the fire.

Conflict with Shevchuk


In 2010, Burmatov quarreled with the famous domestic rock musician Yuri Shevchuk. In his blog, he accused the musician of looting during the Chechen war. Three and a half thousand comments appeared under this message, most of which were directed against Burmatov.

The well-known military journalist Arkady Babchenko sharply spoke about the politician’s act. He noted that in this way Burmatov insulted not only Shevchuk, but also all 18-year-olds who fought in this war.

It is interesting that quite often Burmatov was caught on outright lies. For example, in 2012, during a visit to his university, he gave an interview to the Parliamentary newspaper, in which he accused the university of inefficient use of the funds allocated to create comfortable conditions for the disabled. At the same time, he referred to a check conducted by unnamed volunteers. The commission of the Ministry of Education and Science did not reveal any signs of inefficiency not only in the university itself, but in all its branches.

PhD dissertation scandal

The originality of Burmatov’s dissertation was called into question by the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Nikolay Gorkavy, who works at Chelyabinsk State University. He noted that in the work of the deputy there are no references to the works of the researcher himself, although this is one of the mandatory requirements for the dissertation.

After that, netizens began to publish scanned copies of the pages of Burmatov’s dissertation, as well as the early scientific works of Lyubov Nesterova and articles by Alexander Fedorov. At the same time, they demonstrated almost verbatim borrowing of large parts of texts. At the same time, Burmatov does not mention either Fedorov or Nesterov in the sources of his work.

Other bloggers noted large borrowing volumes, and the Dissernet community confirmed this. Gorky also claimed that there were signs of obvious falsification in the dissertation. After accusations of plagiarism, Burmatov resigned from the Education Committee of the State Duma, resigned as head of the department at Plekhanov University.

A detailed study of the dissertation of a politician was conducted by the Russian State Library. The examination confirmed that in the text of the study no more than 34 percent of the original text. Moreover, only exact matches of the text were attributed to plagiarism. Commenting on the results of this examination, Burmatov announced that this was an attempt to exert psychological pressure on him, as well as that the library staff did not have the right to evaluate the results of his work.

In turn, the director of the library, Alexander Visly, denied the pressure during the examination. Noting that in the case of a repeated examination, the number of borrowings can only increase.