
Integrity - what is it? Meaning of the word

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Integrity - what is it? Meaning of the word
Integrity - what is it? Meaning of the word

Video: What is INTEGRITY? What does INTEGRITY mean? INTEGRITY meaning, definition & explanation 2024, July

Video: What is INTEGRITY? What does INTEGRITY mean? INTEGRITY meaning, definition & explanation 2024, July

Many different things worry a modern person every day. Now access to almost any required information is open, which complicates life somewhat. Therefore, many begin to worry about the integrity of man and the whole world.

The meaning of the word "integrity", according to the modern explanatory dictionary, lies in the internal unity of the object, in its totality and completeness, as well as in detachment from the surrounding world. But this information should be taken relatively. It is not worth treating it as truth, because the object cannot be on its own, in any case it is connected by numerous strings with the environment and exists only in unity with it.


A variety of sciences, such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, are studying the concept of "integrity". What is this integrity and what does it eat with? There is no exact answer to this question yet. But there are some formed theories about this. This article will cover the main ones.


The integrity of man first of all lies in a harmonious life with himself, nature and its laws. Living in harmony with the outside world, knowing the essence of the principles of the universe, understanding justice and objectivity in the nature of their actions, perceiving as an experience any incident - these are the canons of an integral individual. Such a person constantly feels peaceful, is in balance and feels universal grace. He does not think that life has deprived him of something, and is pleased with everything that he has. He knows how the causal law works, so he does not regret or lament anything. If you do good for people, it will surely return in the guise of prosperity, good luck and success.


Inner happiness

How to understand integrity? What is done to achieve it? This is a matter of concern to many. Most people set external success as their goal: a dizzying career, a breakthrough in power, and material independence. But there are few who really care about the purity of their thoughts and actions. As a result, an interesting paradox appears. For example, the richer and more successful a person is, the more he feels inner emptiness, apathy and despondency. Disappointment goes hand in hand with such people. In their hearts they have constant disgust. This comes from the fact that they put financial goals in the first place, but they did not think about the development of personality. You have to pay for it with depression and despair. When the spiritual world of a person becomes a full cup, then internal success and happiness comes.


Realization of destination

An important component of integrity is the fulfillment of an appointment in life and the further state of satisfaction from the path done. It is impossible to be a complete person without fulfilling your mission. What does integrity imply? What is a concept, like a taste of happiness, will not be an empty sound for an individual. To achieve inner well-being, it is necessary to fulfill a sacred purpose, which is individual for each person. All people have some kind of talent to a greater or lesser extent. The main thing is to discover a natural gift. Someone can be a great artist, someone is destined to become a skilled turner, and some find their role in the family and caring for loved ones. But if a person with the talent of an artist works as a plumber, he will never become happy and holistic.

Everyone has their own life path, which you need to go without looking back. On this road is happiness. But when a person turns off his path, rests on fate and goes beyond the boundaries of his essence, then the opportunity to catch a blue bird will be lost for him. Integrity also does not have to wait, because it will scatter along with the original personality, which will be torn apart by life circumstances. An individual will be integral only if he lives in harmony with the higher forces and their will, as well as the realization of his purpose.


Getting rid of vices

Only when a person is not tormented by contradictions and does not follow his desires, can he find integrity in himself. What is a vice? This is a bad personal quality, which must be fought hard. A holistic individual constantly cultivates virtue in himself so that she subsequently supplants some bad trait of character. Such a person does not worry because of his vices, since they are insignificant and do not affect the soul and mind.

Satisfaction of desires

To preserve the integrity of the individual, it is necessary to satisfy a number of needs. You can not focus only on the physical and emotional factor. Particular attention should be paid to intellectual development and spiritual attraction. With a different state of affairs, internal conflict will be inevitable, and talking about the integrity of the individual will lose all meaning.


Not only receive

A complete, complete person is not able to act one-sidedly. He is not selfish, therefore, always takes into account the wishes of others. He not only accepts love, but also gives love. This shows the level of spiritual development. The integrity of a person always requires selflessness and unconditionality. A lonely individual cannot be happy alone. He needs to take care of someone and love someone. Sharing everything, including love, is the main priority of a completed person.

Another kind of integrity

The concept of "integrity" can refer not only to a person. There is data integrity, which refers to the accuracy and consistency of their contents. Integrity is violated when errors or failures are present. In such cases, the system cannot provide normal data processing and its correct delivery. In a way, this concept can be correlated with the integrity of man. Indeed, in the presence of disharmony in mental states, a person loses its integrity.
