
Chagatai Ulusoy: biography, personal life, photo

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Chagatai Ulusoy: biography, personal life, photo
Chagatai Ulusoy: biography, personal life, photo

Video: Çağatay Ulusoy Biography,Net Worth,Girlfriend,Family,Cars,House & LifeStyle (2019) 2024, July

Video: Çağatay Ulusoy Biography,Net Worth,Girlfriend,Family,Cars,House & LifeStyle (2019) 2024, July

Fans of Turkish films and TV shows have relatively recently learned about the existence of such an actor as Chagatai Ulusoy. The biography of the rising star is of interest to everyone who liked the Anatolian Eagles, I named her Ferich and other projects in which he participated. He still has a few bright roles behind him, which does not stop critics from calling him among the most promising actors in Turkey.

Who is Chagatai Ulusoy, biography, photo of the actor - this information will be interesting to everyone who likes Turkish television projects. The article will provide answers to all questions.

Chagatai Ulusoy: star biography

The hometown of the Turkish celebrity is Istanbul, it was born in 1990. The actor was born in late September under the sign of Virgo, which indicates his commitment to hard work, reliability and solidity. The boy’s father is a Turk, but for a long time he lived in Bosnia, where he met his mother Chagatai. There is another child in the family - the son of Alatay, with whom the older brother maintains an invariably excellent relationship.


Charm, attractive appearance are the advantages that Chagatai Ulusa had from childhood. The biography of the actor contains little information about the first years of his life. It is known that the child was distinguished by activity, curiosity. The people around him were convinced that the boy was waiting for a brilliant movie career. But Ulusoi himself was more fond of sports, achieved excellent results in the field of basketball. The choice was promoted by a high growth of the star, physical strength, built up by constant training.

Work in the modeling business

Many actors from childhood know what they want to do in adulthood, but Chagatai Ulusoy does not belong to them. The biography of the young man indicates that he tested his abilities in many areas. Without giving up sports training, he becomes a student at Istanbul University, choosing the study of landscape architecture. At the same time, the guy is taking his first steps in the modeling field, quickly achieving excellent results.


Charisma, excellent external data, relaxedness in front of the camera are the components of success, which Chagatai Ulusoi achieved as a model. The biography of the actor includes a victory in the contest "Best Model", held in 2010 in Istanbul. Interestingly, the young man did not intend to participate in it, but succumbed to the entreaties of a good friend.

First movie role

The landscape designer of the young man did not work. In his student years, he began to cause increased interest in the world of cinema, which prompted the future star to comprehend the basics of acting, studying in courses. Of course, teachers did not have the right not to pay attention to such a handsome student with a spectacular appearance as the future actor Chagatai Ulusoy. The biography of the young man testifies that it was the aiding of teachers that helped him get a role in the film "Anatolian Eagles".


The film, which became the first for the future star, was released in 2011. The film tells the audience about courageous pilots who learn the basics of the profession at the Turkish Military Academy. One of the cadet pilots was the character of Chagatai, the name of his hero is Ahmet Onur.

Shooting in the series

If the actor took the first steps in the field of big cinema with the help of teachers, then the role in the series brought him victory in the model competition, which is described above. Filming in the Turkish telenovela “I called her Ferih” became fateful for a simple guy, who at that moment was still Chagatai Ulusoy. Since then, the biography and personal life of the rising star have been in the focus of constant attention of journalists and first fans.


The creators of the project “I called her Ferich” liked the attractive talented young man so much that they entrusted him with the main male role. Chagatai plays Emir Sarrafoglu, a representative of the golden youth. The character suddenly falls in love with a poor girl who is absolutely not suitable for him. Like Ulusoy’s first film, the first season of the series was released in 2011.

It was after this telenovela, which is being shown not only in Turkey, but also in other countries of the world, that the young actor literally “woke up famous”.

What else to see

Does the actor Chagatai Ulusoy continue to act, a biography whose personal life is so occupied by the public? His next role is the character Yaman - the protagonist of the Turkish series "Tide". Another telenovela with the participation of the handsome Ulusoy is released in 2013. In total, the series consists of two seasons, the last of which was shown in 2015.


The first years of Yaman’s life pass in the poor quarter of Istanbul, the boy grows up in a dysfunctional family, is experiencing a divorce from his parents. Only one person remains an example for him - Kenan, who is a complete bastard. The evil influence leads Yaman into a dangerous situation; he faces imprisonment. However, hope for salvation gives the young girl a lawyer.

There are other paintings featuring a rising star. This is “Lightning Fallen into the House, ” “The Path of the Emir.”

Was the actor married

The interest of fans and journalists in the actor is not limited to films in the filming of which Chagatai Ulusoi took part. Biography, personal life, wife - all this continues to occupy the public. According to official figures, the young man has never been legally married, but there is information about his short relationship with two girls.

No confirmation of marriage information with Hazal Kaya was found. Despite this, the yellow press for a long time represented partners on the set as follows: Chagatay Ulusoy and his wife. The biography of the actor does not even confirm a love affair with Hazal, with whom he starred in the telenovela "I named her Ferich." Both argue that their relationship is limited to friendship.