
Human neglect is the cause of fire

Human neglect is the cause of fire
Human neglect is the cause of fire

Video: Why is California always on fire? 2024, July

Video: Why is California always on fire? 2024, July

Fire is one of the most dangerous calamities. The causes of the fire in many respects depend on the negligence of a person, however, there are cases when the activities of people are not related to fire. In order to understand why fires occur, consider them in more detail.

Classification of fires at the place of origin

1. Fire in apartments, houses and other residential premises.


The main cause of the fire in the place where people live is negligence. May cause fire:

  • Games with fire. Often the culprits are children left unattended. To eliminate this reason, babies from early childhood should talk about the dangers of fire. In addition, children should not be left unattended, and all flammable objects must be cleaned and hidden.

  • Wiring failure. There may be various reasons. That is why it is necessary at least once a month to carefully inspect all the wires, sockets, electrical appliances and connections in the house.

  • Illegal or negligent operation of gas cylinders, fireplaces, stoves. Using these appliances, residents must comply with the law and special care.

  • Gas leak. Checking all gas appliances is required systematically.

2. Fires in offices, industrial enterprises.

Statistics found that the main cause of a fire in business and industrial enterprises is non-compliance with safety rules:

  • The enterprise is not equipped with fire extinguishing equipment: shields, fire extinguishers, fire cabinets.

  • SNiPs and other norms are grossly violated.

  • During operation, faulty equipment is used.

  • Flammable or other flammable substances are not stored properly.

  • Technologies are violated, especially during welding, electrical, etc. works.

It should be noted that each of the listed causes of fire is also a consequence of the human factor.

3. Forest or steppe fires

The causes of forest fires often also depend on people, although there are other factors. Forest or steppe may catch fire:

  • As a result of a lightning strike.

  • Due to the natural underground fire of peat.

These cases may be the culprits of natural fires, but infrequently. The most common cause of a fire in the steppe or forest is the same human factor:

  • Making bonfires.

  • Burning stubble.

  • Leaving uncut butts.

  • Broken glass (refracting the sun's rays, glass can work like a lens and provoke a fire).

  • Intentional arson.


Despite the fact that extinguishing any fires is a very difficult task, extinguishing fires in the forest and steppes is of particular difficulty.

It is even more difficult to extinguish underground fires. Some fires of coal or peat can be natural, start without human intervention, but due to the ongoing chemical reactions. It is almost impossible to put out such fires. Today, thousands of such underground fires are raging in America, India, China, and other countries.

For example, a fire in the American town of Centralia cannot be put out since 1962. The fire that arose in the Chinese mine of Liuhangou in 1874, could be put out only in 2004.