
Traits of character and appearance that men are vainly ashamed of

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Traits of character and appearance that men are vainly ashamed of
Traits of character and appearance that men are vainly ashamed of

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Much less is known about male complexes than about female ones. The norms and labels that society hangs on them do not allow them to actively share their problems. In this article we will talk about the features of appearance and character traits that men are ashamed of in vain. While women really love them for it.



We love people with a good sense of humor who never let us get bored. But is it really unpleasant to see a person who is passionately focused on something. For example, at work, repairing broken furniture or some kind of hobby.

In vain, some men are embarrassed by their excessive seriousness. Many women like this quality in the stronger sex. They find him sweet.

Especially if, concentrating, the man slightly protrudes the tip of his tongue.

Big nose


The nose, which is larger than average, often becomes the cause of the complexes. Also, those who have too unusual a nose shape suffer.

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In fact, this detail simply makes their face unforgettable, especially imprinted in memory. It is likely that a man with this characteristic impresses a woman more than a handsome man with too regular facial features.

To verify this, just remember what Adrian Brody or Jason Schwartzman look like.

Visible veins in the arms


For many, this is a very painful topic. In fact, women often like it when men have veins bulging in their arms.

What was the matter, it was not possible to find out. Most likely, the whole point is that this sign indirectly indicates physical strength.

Tired look


If you are sitting late on the couch with a tired and even slightly annoyed look, enjoying your favorite TV series or a delicious dinner, you can be sure that this image in women causes a wave of tenderness and affection.

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After all, it's almost like taking off high-heeled shoes after a busy day.


Of course, some prefer thin gentlemen. But those who cannot boast of a muscular body should not despair.

It turns out that a significant number of women love men who have a stomach. At least they do not consider this a too big flaw.

A little gray hair on a beard


A small amount of gray hair in the beard of the fairer sex, as a rule, is perceived not as a sign of old age, but as evidence of significant life experience.

Perhaps this particular detail gives men charm and charisma. This is confirmed by the women themselves.

Reluctance to be a "bad guy"


The fact that girls love the "bad guys" is well known to everyone. But few people know that this rule has one important point. They like the "bad guys" only until a certain age.

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The older we all become, the more clearly we understand: living with a “bad guy” in the neighborhood or a genius whom no one can understand is not a good prospect.

Therefore, it is not worth building a "bully" out of yourself in order to please a representative of the opposite sex. Especially if you really are not.

Surveys conducted among women confirm these findings.

Slight negligence in everything


Unlike a girl who cannot afford to leave their house without putting on makeup and putting her hair in order, there is nothing shameful for a man in this.

When guys appear on the street with slightly disheveled hair and light unshaven, women, in most cases, find them much more attractive than those who carefully take care of their appearance.

Even scientists have come to the conclusion that women perceive bristles more attractively than a clean-shaven face or long beard.

Modest and laconic


Modesty adorns not only women. Young people who are a little shy and have little conversation also look great.

This feature is often emphasized by those representatives of the fair sex who themselves love to talk and are the soul of any company. Obviously, opposites attract.