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What does phraseologism mean “Man does not live by bread alone”?

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What does phraseologism mean “Man does not live by bread alone”?
What does phraseologism mean “Man does not live by bread alone”?

Video: Man does not live by bread alone 2024, June

Video: Man does not live by bread alone 2024, June

The catch phrase “Man does not live by bread alone” hides the basic needs of people in life, material and spiritual. Each individual cannot live without air, water, food. But that is not all!

Basic biological human needs

Considering the meaning of the proverb “Man does not live by bread alone, ” one should look deeply into what constitutes the basis for the existence of each individual. That is, it is very important to determine what are the basic needs of a person.


First of all, every creature on earth must support its existence. Therefore, biological needs can in no way be discounted. This is breathing, food, water, clothes, sleep, safety, health. This is exactly what the first part of the proverb says: “Man does not live by bread alone”. That is, biological needs are priority. A hungry person will first of all desire to eat in order to maintain his existence.

Man is a social being

Although many living organisms on Earth cannot survive alone, a person in this line probably takes the first place. The need for communication, love, popularity, recognition, sometimes for leadership and dominance over other people - these are components of the social needs of people.


And pronouncing the phrase “Man does not live by bread alone, ” many imply this. You can be full, dressed, live in warmth and comfort, have even more than what is needed, but feel deeply unhappy because there is no loved one nearby, that your loved one feels bad, that no one wants to recognize your talents. The title of the series “The Rich Also Cry” is precisely in this sense synonymous with the proverb with which the reasoning began.

Spiritual needs

Pondering what phraseology means “Man does not live by bread alone, ” everyone understands that besides bread (and by this word is meant everything physiologically necessary for existence) there is something else without which life cannot be complete and happy. These are the so-called spiritual needs of man.

Each person is initially creative. To realize it is the task of the individual. And an even more important task is to get the approval of others, recognition. Only then can we say that the person took place.

More spiritual needs include the knowledge of the world, himself, his place in life, the meaning of his existence.