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What does the expression “without looking back” mean

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What does the expression “without looking back” mean
What does the expression “without looking back” mean

Video: PrepOnMutualRespect 2024, June

Video: PrepOnMutualRespect 2024, June

The participle “without looking back” has, besides its direct meaning, also figurative. This article will consider the use of this word in Russian speech.

The direct meaning of the verb "look back"

First, in order to understand the meaning of the expression “without looking back”, one should understand what the initial form of the verb from which the participle is formed without a negative particle means. So, according to the dictionaries, in the literal sense, it denotes an action associated with the inspection of the place, and with the rotation of the body or head. That is, the living entity turns around, looking at the area or peering into the distance.

The direct meaning of the word “without looking back”

Now it is easy to explain the meaning of participles with denial. “Without looking back” means moving without looking at the terrain in the back. That is, the creature moves without turning its head back to see what happens there. For example: "The wolf ran fast, not stopping and not looking back."


The figurative meaning of the verb "look back"

  1. Often it is used to express a state of concern: "Having started writing an autobiographical novel, Alexei constantly looked around, afraid inadvertently to miss, showing off his relationship with Natalya."

  2. The second meaning may be an action also related to fears, but expressed a little differently. A person, as it were, compares his actions with the opinions of others, that is, looks back at them: “You decide how to act, there is nothing to look at others!”

  3. There is a third option - opportunism: "The old man lived, constantly looking around, afraid of something to break his settled peace."

  4. In the fourth version, this verb denotes memories: "He mentally looked back at his past and found in him the causes of the present discomfort."

  5. Arriving or coming to an unfamiliar place, a person or an animal gradually learns all the nuances of a new way of life: “The transfer to a new job made Michael look around to understand what laws reigned here.”