
What happened to Lolita Milyavskaya: plastic surgery of a star

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What happened to Lolita Milyavskaya: plastic surgery of a star
What happened to Lolita Milyavskaya: plastic surgery of a star

Bright and extravagant, Lolita Milyavskaya always knew how to shock the audience with revealing outfits, stunning makeup and an incendiary repertoire. Years go by, and the star of show business is in no hurry to give up positions and tries to hold out on the song Olympus for as long as possible, remaining as young and beautiful. In the past few years, the singer’s fans are increasingly asking what happened to Lolita Milyavskaya. After all, even a person who does not follow her work can notice changes in the appearance of the star.

Star life

The future famous singer, actress and director Lolita Milyavskaya was born on November 14, 1963 in the Ukrainian city of Mukachevo (Transcarpathia). Life turned out in such a way that the girl moved to live first in Kiev, then in Odessa, and then in the capital of Russia - Moscow.

In the nineties, Lolita shocked the audience together with Alexander Tsekalo as part of the Academy cabaret duet, after the collapse of which (in 2000), the singer began her solo career. Since that time, fans periodically discuss changes in the image of the star, worrying about what happened to Lolita Milyavskaya.


Since the beginning of her career, Lolita has not been distinguished by modest images. She curled her curls and cut her hair short, put on fancy hats and wigs, chose tight-fitting dresses and was not shy about the deep neckline.

Over time, to follow fashion trends and still remain at the peak of popularity, a simple change of wardrobe has become insufficient. The singer began to resort to the services of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, which she herself, without hesitation, tells reporters. Those, in turn, are increasingly interested in interviews about what happened to the face of Lolita Milyavskaya.

Changes in the appearance of the singer

In an interview with one of the Russian television channels, the singer admitted that she corrected the contour of the face, made a facelift, got rid of wrinkles and a second chin. According to Lolita, her profession has left a noticeable imprint on her appearance, because singing live for so many years negatively affects the condition of the facial muscles.


In addition, after the operation, you can no longer worry about a favorable angle during the shooting process - no matter which side the actress turns to the operator, the camera will not fix any “crow's feet” or saggy skin on her neck.

The star complemented the new image with extended strands of hair that made her appearance even more feminine.

Many fans are also concerned about the issue of what happened to Lolita Milyavskaya, or rather, her body. The singer answers this question just as frankly. Due to changes in his figure, the star went on liposuction - got rid of fat deposits on the hips and abdomen. However, the singer is not happy with this procedure. She quickly realized that without regular exercise, all kilograms would quickly return to her waist.

Attitude of fans to the new Lolita

Discussing on the Web what happened to the appearance of Lolita Milyavskaya, fans express completely opposite opinions. Among them are those who support the changes of the singer, admiring her youth and beauty. But, like every star, there are haters who claim that after the intervention of a plastic surgeon, Lolita lost her zest, or even completely ceased to be herself.