
What is democracy? It is simplicity and accessibility.

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What is democracy? It is simplicity and accessibility.
What is democracy? It is simplicity and accessibility.

Video: A Theory of Minimalist Democracy 2024, June

Video: A Theory of Minimalist Democracy 2024, June

We often come across the concept of democracy. Several derivative words come from him, which are sometimes used freely, without fully understanding. Take for example, democracy. This word is sculpted anywhere. Sometimes it gets funny. Let's see what it means and how to use it correctly.


Open the dictionary

Smart books also connect the term under study with democracy. And it, in fact, means the equality of all with all, the same rights. However, democracy is something more down to earth. As a rule, this word is used in the description of the behavior of famous personalities. They say about democracy in communication. To understand, we give an example. The head of a large enterprise has many responsibilities, he has a gigantic responsibility for people and material values. Everyone recognizes such a person as the right to look down on others. And the behavior of this person depends only on beliefs. They say that he is democratic in each of his employees. That is, he does not use his high position in private life. So, in the behavior shows democracy. This is his quality, a feature of his worldview. You see, there are people who consider their principle of democracy. They are guided by him in life.


In jurisprudence

Not only in everyday life is the studied concept used. In law, democracy is one of the principles of codification. Its essence lies in the fact that people are the power in the state. He implements it through his representatives. And those influence decision-making in relation to those who violate the law. Various measures are applied to criminals in a democratic society. They take the form of both coercion and persuasion. But there is an effect on criminals on behalf of society, that is, the people. This is the democratic system of the judiciary. By the way, experts argue that the principle is enshrined in the Basic Law. It is in him that the provision on the people as a source of power is contained. It turns out that our term takes on a special meaning, although in everyday life it is rarely seen in this sense. More often you can hear about the democracy of a significant person.
