
What is the entropy of the universe

What is the entropy of the universe
What is the entropy of the universe

Video: Entropy : Why is it Predicted to Cause the Heat Death of the Universe? 2024, July

Video: Entropy : Why is it Predicted to Cause the Heat Death of the Universe? 2024, July

The Universe is our big boundless house. And I really want the processes in it to be stable, since we all depend on their results. Studying and predicting them is of undoubted interest.


What is the Universe

The universe in the most common, astronomical sense is usually understood as the totality of objects that are visible in the sky. This is not only all the available stars and planets, but also the space between them, as well as minor bodies, such as asteroids, comets, and so on. The boundary of the universe theoretically exists. But to determine it, and even less so far, unfortunately, is impossible. Yes, and heavenly bodies with our capabilities can only be observed.

Energy of the universe

It is generally accepted that the space that fills the voids in the Universe has energy. It is called "dark", and the name is quite scientific. It turns out that the infinite Universe consists of matter, the structured part of which is defined as matter, and everything else is energy. For example, fields are energy. Unlike radiation and substances of various types, it is firmly and inextricably linked with space itself. It permeates every centimeter of it. With some assumptions, we can also say that the space itself, which is airless, has a certain conditional mass and participates in ordinary processes of gravitational interaction. It is from these positions that the concept of the entropy of the Universe is also explained.


What is entropy?

The concept of entropy can be used in thermodynamics to denote the amount of energy that is irreversibly lost during scattering. Then it began to be used also in other scientific branches as a measure of statistical probability with which a certain macroscopic event can occur. Each specific state corresponds to a specific value of entropy.


The concept of entropy of the universe

The entropy of the universe is, simply put, a measure of chaos. According to scientists, the largest source of disorder in our world is such formations as massive and supermassive black holes. There are works in which experts are trying to calculate the exact value of this measure. However, estimates of such magnitude as the entropy of the Universe differ significantly - by 1-3 orders of magnitude. This is due to the fact that in the calculations it is necessary to take into account the influence of not only celestial objects on it, but also dark energy, the features of which are still being studied.

The entropy of the Universe is also connected with the theory of the big bang and the coming thermal death. Such a state should occur at the moment when the value of this quantity reaches a maximum. Then in the created closed system any processes will cease to occur, life will also become impossible. Any change in the value of this parameter is associated with the processes of heat transfer from one physical body to another.

The entropy of the universe is constantly changing. Scientists conduct a number of studies to determine general patterns and be able to make accurate predictions of the development of space objects.