women's issues

What is frigidity in a woman and why does this problem arise?

What is frigidity in a woman and why does this problem arise?
What is frigidity in a woman and why does this problem arise?

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Official science studies deviations in the sex life of women much less than men. However, at present they are not so rare. Statistics claim that more than forty percent of women are sexually abused. Medicine at the moment was able to isolate two main sexual disorders in women: anorgasmia and frigidity.


Let's try to understand what frigidity is in a woman. From the point of view of science, this is the absence of excitability, coldness, weakness or lack of sex drive. It comes to the point that a complete aversion to sex may appear. Modern medicine has identified two reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Physiological. Deviation occurs due to transferred sexually transmitted diseases, therefore, for any suspicious symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Often frigidity affects pregnant women and nursing mothers in connection with hormonal changes that occur in the body.

  • Psychological. What is frigidity in a woman from the point of view of our attitude? Shyness, past violence, fear, inappropriate sex education, apathy, depression - any of the above reasons can lead to this phenomenon.

Such a serious diagnosis for a woman can only be made by a doctor after a full examination has been completed. Treatment of physiological and psychological causes occurs by various methods. Consultation with a gynecologist is only the beginning, in the future a woman may need to turn to a psychologist or endocrinologist.

How to cure frigidity in a woman

In the event that the girl understands that she has a problem and begins to fix it in a timely manner, treatment can be very effective. If this is physiological frigidity, the symptoms in women are successfully eliminated with medication. It should be understood that both partners need to be treated, otherwise a positive effect cannot be expected. If the main reason is psychological, the healing process can take a lot of time and require a lot of attention. It is very important that your doctor is a professional who you trust, because only such a doctor can give you good advice that you listen to.


Answering the question of what is frigidity in a woman, one should mention about such a disease as anorgasmia. This is another sexual disorder arising from psychological problems. The impulse that is responsible for a woman getting an orgasm does not reach the desired area of ​​the brain. To treat this disease, it is necessary to create a woman ideal conditions for the manifestation of sexuality. Experienced doctors recommend combining massage and hydrotherapy with psychotherapy.

It is difficult for even professionals to answer with absolute certainty what a woman’s frigidity is and how to treat it - this question has not been studied enough. Therefore, as soon as you notice any negative changes in the body (psychological or physiological), immediately contact the clinic.