
What is the industry and its types?

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What is the industry and its types?
What is the industry and its types?

Video: Types of industries (full explanation) 2024, June

Video: Types of industries (full explanation) 2024, June

Every year, millions of people go on vacation to other countries using various types of transport, attend various recreational activities, and use the services of hairdressers and stylists. For an ordinary average person, such a life is the norm, and few people think that everything that surrounds them is part of a large industrial machine. Let's find out what industry is.

What is meant by industry

The word "industry" itself came from the Latin industria and means diligence, hard work, zeal. Subsequently, having received a part of struere, this word modified its original interpretation. Now its meaning: "lay on top of each other, " "overlap."

So what is industry? Having collected all the data, we can say that this is a branch of the national economy engaged in the production of raw materials, their further processing into products and the subsequent marketing of the latter.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, industry was meant only industrial production in factories, factories - the processing of a large amount of raw materials into high-quality products, allowing in the short term to obtain sufficient profit for further work.

But, modern technology is making adjustments. Now these are not just interconnected stages of metal, textile or wood production. At the moment, industry refers to well-developed branches of any type of activity (tourism, fashion, catering, technology).


With the advent of everyday things like computers and the Internet, everyone can become part of the industry.

What is the industry of the twenty-first century? Its most developed industry is information technology, as millions of users consume a huge amount of various information every second. In addition, one can distinguish the following branches:

  • Tourism industry. It is peculiar to countries with a great cultural heritage and associated natural resources.

  • Fashion industry. Seeking to idealize the appearance, trying to impose their own view on certain things, people offer an appearance that will be at the peak of fashion in the new season.

  • The technological industry is the modernization of existing equipment, the offer of new categories of goods that can improve the quality of life of consumers.

  • Biotechnology The annual population growth of the planet makes scientists adjust the genetic code of plants, animals and other biomaterials to improve the quality of human life in the future.

  • Construction industry. The need for convenient, automated, and most importantly, safe housing reproaches the modification of existing construction technologies.

Industry types are not limited to this list. Every year, more and more of its subspecies arise, obtained from the interconnection of various industries.
