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What is NA: neo-Nazis and National Socialists

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What is NA: neo-Nazis and National Socialists
What is NA: neo-Nazis and National Socialists

Video: What neo-Nazis have inherited from original Nazism | DW Documentary (neo-Nazi documentary) 2024, June

Video: What neo-Nazis have inherited from original Nazism | DW Documentary (neo-Nazi documentary) 2024, June

What is NA? Many people, including those who are not too far from politics, are still interested in this issue. However, the answer to it is quite banal and predictable. First of all, it is worth noting that the abbreviation NA is an abbreviation of the word "national socialism". However, it is applied not to the Nazis of the past, but to modern supporters of this ambiguous ideology.


Who are the National Socialists

To understand the meaning of the word NA, it is necessary to clarify who the National Socialists are. So called the members of the German National Socialist Workers Party, which ruled in Germany from 1933 to 1945. The main ideas of the National Socialists were:

  • German nationalism
  • German patriotism;
  • revanchism;
  • irredentism;
  • anti-Semitism;
  • Nordicism
  • racial hygiene.

After the defeat of Germany in World War II in 1945, National Socialism as an ideology was banned. For a while, people forgot what the National Assembly is.


Modern neo-Nazis

But in the 50s of the last century, parties began to emerge in Europe again, ideologically close to German Nazis. For the right-wing radical parties that have existed since the 1950s, the National Assembly is the only ideology that can save Europe from the dictates of the United States, illegal migration, spiritual decline and the economic crisis. As a rule, modern supporters of National Socialism are either subcultural marginals or sincere patriots, for whom the enthusiasm of the National Assembly is only a temporary stage in their intellectual development.

What is NS nowadays? Indeed, in Russia, representatives of this political movement are represented as well as in the rest of Europe, of which, one way or another, our country is a part. First of all, it is worth listing the main features of this ideology:

  • extreme nationalism;
  • the idea of ​​racial superiority;
  • patriotism;
  • left economic program;
  • rejection of both mainstream left and mainstream right forces;
  • militarism, especially in aesthetics;
  • often a positive attitude towards Hitler and the German National Socialists;
  • anti-communism and anti-Sovietism;
  • rejection of the European Union, UN and other international organizations;
  • belligerence and aggressiveness;
  • often the very subcultural character of both style and activity.
