
What is a portfolio and how to choose a theme for it

What is a portfolio and how to choose a theme for it
What is a portfolio and how to choose a theme for it

Video: 10 Best Website Templates for Your Online Portfolio (2020) 2024, June

Video: 10 Best Website Templates for Your Online Portfolio (2020) 2024, June

Before each freelancer starting work on the vast expanses of the Internet, the question arises of what is a portfolio? After all, almost all employers require it, threatening otherwise it simply does not satisfy the application.

Everything is explained quite easily. The concept of "portfolio" is used for people of creative professions, and, if we talk directly about remote work, then, in fact, this is a collection of those freelancer's works in which his best qualities are most clearly represented. And it is necessary for the customer to make up a certain impression of the candidate.

How to design and where to spread

If you describe what a portfolio is for different areas of freelance, then each direction has its own specifics.

For copywriting, these are examples of the best texts; for typesetting and web design - this is a good example of sites, designed or designed; for photography, these are the best works and so on for all types of activities that today's remote workers are engaged in.

Typically, the portfolio is in the profile of the author and is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the resource. Naturally, it is desirable to submit those works that are already published on popular sites. On some exchanges, screenshots of these works are practiced, on others - links to already posted materials, on the third - just text works. There are also combinations. Moreover, the location of the materials may be different. Recently, it has been increasingly happening that such a portfolio is especially experienced by specialists in their own blogs.

It is clear that the most difficult thing is for beginning freelancers, who have no idea how to arrange a portfolio, and who have no experience behind them. In such cases, almost everyone starts the same way: they offer their masterpieces on freelance exchanges for a small fee or even free of charge. The main thing for them is to get feedback and a link to the posted material. But before that, it is also necessary to determine the topic.

How to choose a topic

Optimally, her choice, for example, for a text portfolio looks like this:

- first, on one of the freelance exchanges, the most popular areas of sold articles are selected;

- then, from all categories, industries are selected in which you feel most confident;

- followed by several already selected specific topics;

- Well, finally, one can see the presence of similar articles among his colleagues, and they are deleted from his list.

So gradually and complete the list. It is clear that you can choose a popular topic, create a work and put it immediately in profile. Many do so. However, without verification by a third-party specialist, such an action can end in disrepair.

What else is needed

It should be borne in mind that such a portfolio must be accompanied by a resume, which usually contains basic information about yourself. It is also advisable to attach a small explanatory note, which briefly outlines your abilities and capabilities.

As a tip, let's say that you must pay attention to the attitude of the resource administrators to the presence of direct contacts in the information. Most often, communication and payment occurs through the exchange website. Direct contacts entail a minimum rating decrease, the maximum - exclusion from the membership. Therefore, before you make a portfolio for a specific presentation, you must first take an interest in the procedures that exist there.

One more remark. It is known from practice that for many experienced customers, a portfolio serves only as a guideline, which helps to determine the approximate level of competence of the contractor. Therefore, you must always be prepared for the test task. This method is used very often and works almost unmistakably.