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What does obsession mean? What is obsession, and how to deal with it?

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What does obsession mean? What is obsession, and how to deal with it?
What does obsession mean? What is obsession, and how to deal with it?

Video: How to Stop Obsessing Over Someone - EXPLAINED 2024, July

Video: How to Stop Obsessing Over Someone - EXPLAINED 2024, July

What does obsession mean? What is obsession? In the worst case, it is a condition that allows you to look in only one direction. Metaphorically speaking, it is a giant tidal wave that causes a malfunction in the mind and washes away all other problems. The object of obsession can be a specific person or object, we are talking about a strong dependence, addiction, which robs peace and interest in everything else.


Emotional imbalance

Obsession - what is it? First, like all addictions, obsession is intoxicating. It fills, makes you feel strong, capable and purposeful. However, this painful passion over time leads to emotional imbalance. A person often begins to neglect the rest of his life, and this should not be.

Secondly, even if the balance is maintained to one degree or another, but the object of obsession disappears, then devastation sets in, the meaning of life and the last chance for happiness are lost. This is a great fallacy. Happiness never depends on any thing, it is a state of inner satisfaction and harmony.


Observation as a tool to achieve a goal

It is generally accepted that obsession is something bad, but it is worth recognizing that it often happens that, without experiencing an unhealthy interest in anything, one cannot achieve success in this matter. In fact, if you direct him in the right direction, you can do great things.

Obsession - what is it in a positive way? Excessive enthusiasm, if it is not about fears, should be on the side of a person, and not against him, to awaken sleeping abilities, help in the search for creativity and ingenuity in order to learn how to solve incredibly complex problems. In this case, it can lead to greatness in a certain field. So Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and many other "obsessed" succeeded.


Control methods

The task is to make the obsessive states function positively by controlling them, and not vice versa, to benefit from the obsession, not succumbing to its manifestations. To do this, you can use the following strategies:

  • Distract yourself at different intervals. Using willpower, one must restrain the signs of obsession, in order to overcome anxiety, one must deny its existence. We need to do something useful and enjoyable in order to escape from the obsession, in order to provide the necessary break. This will make it possible to see that there are other things in life. Read an exciting novel, watch an entertaining movie, help a friend in need. If there is something that can distract, then it is worth using it.

  • Solve a problem that will help to cope with obsession. Sometimes you just need to finish the job, so that thoughts about him stop tormenting the soul. In this case, you need to promise yourself that as soon as the problem is solved, you can relax, relax and charge your emotional battery.

  • Focus on a great mission. The importance of having this mission itself is great, this is what will protect against the feeling that life does not make sense. And if there is something for which one wants to do something, it brings joy or drowns out suffering. This makes it possible to confidently stand on one's feet, feel one’s relevance. The feeling that the world needs you will not allow a wave of obsessive thoughts to take you to the abyss.

  • Practice that you are at the forefront. Meditate, dance, attract another part of your mind that is interested in other things than the subject of obsession.

  • Give yourself some time. Over time, many obsessions gradually lose their flavor.

  • Listen to what others are saying. If close friends and relatives express concern about an inadequate condition, then they are probably right. Be open to these messages.


What is obsession: life examples

Obsession is a frequently repeated thought that is associated with the idea that something terrible can happen. For example, a person is afraid that he might be robbed, he becomes suspicious, constantly thinking about whether he closed his door well. Or another example is excessive cleanliness: a person is afraid to touch various objects, since the microbes on them can enter the body and kill him. Thus, the reasons for obsession are often fears of the dark, dogs, people. Against your will, obsession makes us imagine a series of sinister consequences that must be avoided at all costs. As a rule, this is accompanied by a persistent desire to take action.
