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What does breaking a heart mean? The meaning and meaning of the expression

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What does breaking a heart mean? The meaning and meaning of the expression
What does breaking a heart mean? The meaning and meaning of the expression

Video: 12 Ways to Heal Your Broken Heart 2024, July

Video: 12 Ways to Heal Your Broken Heart 2024, July

Have you encountered unrequited love? Or maybe your loved one cheated on you. The person who has gone through this hell does not need to explain what it means to “break the heart”. And those who do not want to know the meaning of phraseological units on themselves, need to follow some kind of “safety technique”. Read all the details below.

Expression value


What does breaking a heart mean? This phraseologism means causing moral trauma to a person. Such damage can only be caused by a person who has been given unlimited trust and love. A person who does not mean anything to a person cannot offend. People present their claims to those who become close and dear to them.

To break a heart is not to fulfill a promise or to break it. Most often, hearts are broken in people in love. Yesterday's gentleman today can cheat on you with a girlfriend, and yesterday's love of his life today will find a rich friend and move to live with him.

But hearts beat not only among lovers. Sometimes children do things that parents cannot forgive or understand. For example, if your child killed a person and did it intentionally and intentionally, can you justify him? No. There are actions that do not lend themselves to a logical interpretation and, as a result, lead to the breakdown of relations between people.

Why do people break other people's hearts?


How often does a person commit rash acts? Pretty rare. Usually a person justifies stupid actions with unexpectedly surging emotions that were impossible to cope with. But you need to always think about the consequences. You have already learned what it means to break a heart, and now you need to understand the logic of a person who can take such an action.

  • Usually those who betray you are indifferent or commit vileness. For example, a girl may fall in love with a guy, and he decides to play with her. In this case, a man can do social experiments, trying to understand how far one can go in deceiving a person.
  • A person can break someone else’s heart out of boredom. If a person has nothing to do, he can argue with himself or with a friend that he will fall in love with an inaccessible person. In the event of a successful combination of circumstances, a person raises his self-esteem.

How do women's hearts beat


Ladies are very sensitive natures. By their nature, girls are gentle creatures who can trust all pretty personalities. It is these ladies who know before others what it means to break a heart. Cavaliers enjoy the trust of young creatures, play with them, seduce girls with good manners and expensive gifts, and then drop out. The fair sex can be very worried about a betraying friend, but such an experience helps a lady to become stronger.

What does it mean to break a girl’s heart? To achieve this, it will be enough to change a woman, greatly offend her, neglect the interests of the lady or use physical force in relation to her lover. In order to break someone’s heart, a person must beat in the most painful place, not sparing the main values ​​and moral principles important to the person. But sometimes it happens that not the guy who hurt the girl is guilty of everything, but the rich imagination of the lady who painted the image of a fictional gentleman, and the real person does not correspond to the fantasy.

How are men's hearts broken


The stronger sex is less emotional than women. But this does not mean that they cannot feel anything. Their love is simply expressed a little differently, through actions, and not through beautiful words. What does breaking a man’s heart mean? To betray a person and abuse his bright feelings. How can a girl do this? By betrayal, moral pressure or deception. Modern men often become a toy for mercantile ladies. Women search for rich gentlemen, and then “breed” them for expensive gifts. Immediately notice the catch is impossible. A lady can be charming and beautiful. A man may even get the impression that it is he who manages the relationship. Disappointment will come over time, along with acute heartache.

Is it possible to return the old relationship?


Do you want revenge on your lover? The thought "he must and will know what it means to break the heart" does not give you rest? Revenge is not worth it. Low deed will not bring you moral satisfaction. You can fall in love with an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, but to do this just to leave a person is stupid. Anyway, the idea of ​​returning former passion to broken relationships is very bad. A new building can be built on the destroyed foundation, but it will not be possible to recreate the old building. Returning to your beloved, you will be able to coexist peacefully for a maximum of a month. Then the old grievances will return. A person always remembers the cause of the break. And even if you are very lonely, you want warmth and care, you should not come back anyway. Nothing good will come of it. Once you parted, you will be able to stay with your former lover friends. The second time this trick will not pass.