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What does tact mean? What is tact? Useful Tips

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What does tact mean? What is tact? Useful Tips
What does tact mean? What is tact? Useful Tips

Video: What does tact mean? 2024, June

Video: What does tact mean? 2024, June

What does tact mean? What is delicacy? Being considerate does not mean hiding what you really feel. It means presenting your ideas in such a way as to make them the most attractive and harmless. If you want to know how to be considerate, read this article.


Be considerate while talking.

Think before you speak. Allow yourself a pause to imagine how your words can be perceived, and to prevent hasty utterances. Take time to gather your thoughts. Ask yourself if this is the right moment to present your own ideas. Pay attention to the people around you. You can recklessly make a comment about how you enjoy the upcoming wedding, and in the meantime, one of those present is experiencing a recent divorce. You do not have to hide your enthusiasm constantly, but you can find the best time and more suitable listeners to perceive your happiness.

Do not respond negatively to negatively

If you witness another person’s discussion, don’t take an active part in the discussion. Especially if you do not want to take this or that side. The best option would be to say something good about the person in question.


Start with the good

If you are going to say something unpleasant, for example, to point out certain mistakes in the work of a subordinate, you need to start with the positive. You can say something like: "Well done, you dare to take up such a large and complex project, but I think that you can complete it only with the help of an experienced assistant." Choose your words carefully. What does it mean to have a sense of tact? This is the ability to select words that do not offend the interlocutor.

Do not reveal your and others' secrets

Do not trust too much and tell all the details of your personal life to unfamiliar people. Not everyone has a beat. What is a secret that two know? This is already open information. A secret entrusted even to the best friend will turn out to be a subject of conversation in another company, even if your name will not be called. As it usually happens: "And you know, one of my friends once happened …"