
Churkin Vitaliy Ivanovich: biography and family

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Churkin Vitaliy Ivanovich: biography and family
Churkin Vitaliy Ivanovich: biography and family

Vitaly Churkin, the permanent representative of our country to the UN, has recently become a real star, a national hero of Russia. In this article, you will learn more about this person, as well as about his family.



Churkin Vitaly Ivanovich was born on 02.21.1952 in Moscow in the family of aviation designer Ivan Nikolayevich, who came from the Vladimir region, and Maria Ivanovna, a housewife born in the village of Krasny Stroitel (today West Biryulevo).

Churkin graduated from Moscow specialized school No. 56 with in-depth study of foreign languages, located on ul. Demian of the Poor. By the way, journalists Tatyana Mitkova and Nikolai Svanidze graduated from the same school at one time.

Vitaly Churkin, whose biography is of interest to a huge number of people from around the world, from early childhood studied English individually, with a tutor. Moreover, in terms of academic performance, he was always among the classmates among the first.

Vitaliy was also the secretary of the school Komsomol organization. But he lost the well-deserved gold medal because of the behind-the-scenes intrigue played out at school.


Vitaliy went in for speed skating, won various city competitions.

Churkin at the cinema

At the age of eleven, Vitalik starred in Lev Kulidzhanov's film “Blue Notebook” about Lenin, in which he played the son of the owner of a hut. A year later, the film "Zero Three" was also released with his participation. At the age of 13, he starred in the film by Mark Donskoy “Mother’s Heart” about Vladimir Ulyanov.


Such multifaceted and vigorous activity could not go anywhere. Churkin Vitaliy Ivanovich in 1969 on the first attempt entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (Faculty of International Relations). He studied with the now famous Andrei Denisov and Andrei Kozyrev. He was mainly interested in languages. Churkin, having graduated from the institute with honors and graduated with honors, began working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he later put on the famous “3 hats” service. Churkin always simply spoke about this, saying that you can wear 10, and most importantly - desire.



Vitaly Churkin, whose biography is full of the most unexpected events, after graduating from the institute, began working as a referent in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the translation department. In 1975, he received the rank of senior referent, a year later - an attaché. Further, in 1979-1982, Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin served as the 3rd Secretary in the US Department. Then, for another five years, he worked in the United States at the Soviet embassy. Initially, he was assigned the diplomatic rank of 2nd secretary. But in 1986, he became the 1st secretary of the Soviet embassy.

Churkin in 1987 returned to the USSR, becoming the CPSU Central Committee referent for the international department. The following year, he served as an adviser to the press secretary of Eduard Shevardnadze, the foreign minister. In 1990, he began to serve in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia) as head of the information department, as well as a collegial member of the foreign affairs agency.

In 1992, Vitaly Churkin, whose photo can be viewed in this article, becomes Deputy Andrei Kozyrev, Minister of Foreign Affairs. For the first time in the history of Russian diplomacy, he began holding open regular briefings for journalists from other countries. And in the period 1992-1994. he was in the Balkans the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation, and also engaged in negotiations between Western countries and participants in the Bosnian conflict.

In 1994, Churkin became the representative of the Russian Federation in NATO and the Russian ambassador to Belgium. Since 1998, he led the Russian diplomatic mission in Canada. Five years later, Churkin became ambassador on special assignments, in other words, he was actually in the personnel reserve of the Russian Foreign Ministry. The diplomat was the chairman of the committee of senior officials of the intergovernmental international organization of the Arctic Council, and also dealt with the problems of ensuring the development of the polar regions and environmental protection.


Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN

In 2006, Vitaly Churkin, whose biography has a huge number of take-offs, became the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN. A year later, at a meeting (closed) of the UN Security Council, which was devoted to discussing a plan to resolve the conflict in Kosovo (author Marti Ahtisaari), Churkin attacked Joachim Rücker, head of the UN mission, with sharp criticism. It must be understood that Rücker supported this plan, which provided for the actual independence of the region, without its official recognition. The Russian diplomat went to journalists one of the very first participants in the meeting, who hastened to say that the representative of the Russian Federation left the Security Council meeting in protest. Although Churkin himself said that he left immediately after the end of the official part, while leaving a deputy in his place: in other words, the Russian delegation did not leave the meeting room and did not officially declare their protest.

Professional merit

His merits can be enumerated endlessly, telling how he emerged with dignity from the most explosive and difficult situations, as well as finding solutions to various problems of an international level. Vitaly Churkin’s speeches demonstrate to the world him as a professional diplomat, although, often, the statements of the diplomat perplex many. There are many examples of this. So, in 2012, information sources began to spread rumors, the main character of which was Vitaly Churkin. He allegedly threatened to erase Qatar from the Earth in the negotiations on the settlement of the Syrian conflict. Churkin later denied these reports.

He participated in the resolution of the conflict in Yugoslavia; Vitaly Ivanovich was also the first Russian diplomat to visit the WEU headquarters in London. In a 1995 interview, he said that he was "a little proud."


At the same time, it is also interesting and very important which Vitaly Ivanovich sets an example for the younger generation. For example, in 1999 his work interested and inspired students of the 1522th gymnasium so much that they set about researching Churkin’s career and life, after which they wrote an essay entitled “Holder of 3 hats”. Thus, they discovered a lot of new things for themselves, found out and showed others how talent develops in such an important field of activity as diplomacy for civilization.


  • In 2009 - the Order of Honor, which was received for a huge contribution to the development of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, an impeccable long-term diplomatic service.

  • In 2012 - the Order of Merit for the Fatherland of the fourth degree, received for merits in promoting and protecting the interests of the Russian Federation in the international arena.