
Black-banded cichlazoma: content, reproduction, compatibility and reviews

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Black-banded cichlazoma: content, reproduction, compatibility and reviews
Black-banded cichlazoma: content, reproduction, compatibility and reviews

Black-striped cichlazoma is a dynamic medium-sized fish. It is suitable for both experienced aquarists and beginners. Of the advantages, its activity, a bright contrasting color, vitality and ease of breeding are especially distinguished. Due to the pickyness in feeding and care, the fish continues to occupy a leading position among lovers of aquarium animals.



For the first time, a black-striped cichlazoma was described in 1867. She is a representative of the perciform order, the cichlid family.

Her body is relatively high and oblong, it is flattened from the sides. In a natural habitat, males reach a length of fifteen centimeters. In the aquarium, these fish grow up to ten centimeters.

Body color is gray-blue. Black transverse stripes are drawn along its entire length. Usually they number about nine. The bands extend to the dorsal and anal fins. Therefore, it is often called minke whale. The fins are long and wide.

Fish become sexually mature in seven to ten months. At the same time, married couples are formed from their young age. In their relationship, they are monogamous.

Fish are tied to a specific territory. In general, they are peaceful, but during the spawning period they are aggressive.


In the wild, black-banded cichlase is found in the following countries:

  • Guatemala;
  • Honduras;
  • Panama;
  • Costa Rica.

Stripes inhabit lakes, for example Amatitlan and Atitlan.

How to distinguish a male from a female


The black-banded cichlazoma is quite easily distinguished by gender. The male grows one and a half to two times larger than the female. The fins of the male are wider, their ends are elongated, he has a cone-shaped convex forehead, large eyes. At the stage of spawning, the back of the female abdomen acquires a bright orange color.

Ideally, these representatives of cichlids should be acquired in small flocks - up to eight individuals. Since they are monogamous, it is better to take a couple right away. Then they can be bred independently.

Despite the high survivability, fish still need to create optimal conditions for a comfortable life. Start by choosing a tank.


The maintenance of black-band cichlazoma will not bring much trouble, provided that they live their species in a separate tank. The fact is that due to their small size they can be kept in a fifty-liter aquarium. But at the time of spawning, which occurs year-round, these animals are very aggressive. They guard their nest and surrounding area.

If the aquarist wants to keep minke whales along with other fish, you need to get a fairly large tank.

At the bottom there should be many shelters and zones. The territory should be divided by artificial rocks, grottoes, thickets of plants. Then the water inhabitants will be able to hide, have their own comfort zone.



Granite crumb or small pebbles are suitable as a shelter for the bottom. Tsikhlazoma likes to rebuild the dirt floor at his discretion. That is why you should not use sand. The fish will stir up their water, constantly breaking the bottom. Large stones will not work either. Animals will not be able to move them to create a comfortable zone. It is very exciting to watch how cichlazomas create their home.

Large stones should be used to divide the bottom, create artificial grottoes. In creating the lower part of the aquarium, you need to show more imagination. However, do not be upset if the fish does not appreciate the work done and begins to interrupt everything to your liking. Living creatures with intelligence have their own tastes and needs. This has its own charm.



The content of black-striped cichlazoma is greatly simplified due to the fact that it is able to live in water from a water supply system. To do this, it should be defended during the day. The temperature should fluctuate within 24-27 degrees Celsius above zero. Rigidity and acidity may be standard; minor variations are acceptable.

The addition of aeration and filtration depends on the population of the aquarium. If you plan to use a small aquarium for one pair of fish, you can do without additional funds. When keeping the minke whales in a common tank, these technical means are necessary. Filtering the water and creating a weak aeration is also necessary when fry appear in fish.


Black-striped cichlazoma is a fish that likes to remake the bottom at its discretion. Do not be surprised if one day she decides to dig a cozy mink in the place of greenery. It will carefully turn excess soil into a picturesque mound. It is during such classes that you can often find representatives of cichlids.

The owner must pick plants with a powerful rhizome. Leaves must be stiff. The following cultures are suitable for this:

  • Echinodorus - the most common plants. It has many types. They are distinguished by their endurance, undemanding. In order for their large root system to be where to strengthen, a soil layer of five centimeters is needed. You can plant the plant in a pot of soil and in this form put it in an aquarium.
  • Cryptocoryne - some species of this plant are unpretentious, others are quite difficult to maintain. They differ in the reddish tone of the underside of the sheet. At night, they produce a lot of carbon dioxide, so it is important to supply oxygen to the aquarium. Propagated by root shoots.
  • Vallisneria is spiral - a fast-growing plant looks straightforward, but has a good root system. Propagated by shoots on which daughter plants are formed. About two hundred new wallisneries may appear in a year. If you do not thin out the plants in time, they will fill the entire aquarium.
  • Canadian Elodea - North America is the birthplace of the plant. It is distinguished by its pickiness. Elodea can grow without soil, so it will not die if the minke whale digs a cave in its place. It feels great both at the bottom and on the surface. In addition, the plant serves as an excellent shelter for viviparous fish. It grows very quickly, able to drown out other green spaces. For this, the elodea is called "water plague." She can live in relatively cool water, but does not tolerate turbidity. The light that it needs passes badly through the troubled water. Therefore, the bottom of the aquarium is better covered with pebbles.

Such green spaces will allow to divide the reservoir into separate territories. This will help maintain relative peace in the aquarium.


As lighting, fluorescent lamps of small power are suitable. To make the black-striped cichlazoma fish look more impressive in the aquarium, it is worth adjusting the front lighting. However, it should not spoil the life of water representatives. The main lighting should still remain the top, because it is more natural.



Fish are omnivores. They are not at all picky about food. Traditionally, they are fed with bloodworms, pipe mumps, and scraped meat. The third part of the feed should consist of plant foods. This can be scalded oatmeal, boiled zucchini and carrots, chopped cabbage and lettuce.

If a person tries to stick his hand into the tank, the whales will attack her. So they protect their territory. They are especially aggressive during the spawning period. How is the multiplication of black-banded cichlasoma?



The spawning process is considered quite easy. These fish are able to breed offspring both in a common tank and separately. However, due to the excessive aggressiveness of cichlids at this time, they should be relocated to another aquarium. Spawning occurs regardless of the time of year. It happens that after a short break due to care for young offspring, the couple spawns again. Therefore, do not be surprised if a kind of kindergarten appears at the bottom of the aquarium.

Parents perfectly look after fry. Black-striped cichlazomas walk their offspring several times a day. Watching this is very exciting. How does spawning take place?

First, the female lays eggs at the bottom of a secluded cave, which she had cleaned before. As a place for masonry, a pottery pot lying on its side can be used. The main thing is that the place be removed from the sight glass.

After two to three days, parents receive helpless larvae that require constant care. Parents take them for a walk in their own mouths. While the cubs are with one of the parents, their cave is cleared of debris. After the disappearance of the yolk sac, the fry can swim. It is from this time that they should begin to feed. Young fish are large, so they can eat nauplii brine shrimp, cyclops. Over time, they will be able to eat chopped tubifex.

Many will be interested in the question of the compatibility of black-striped cichlasoma with other fish. The answer to it is ambiguous and depends on many factors.