
Quotes of the great philosophers about the meaning of life, about women, about love

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Quotes of the great philosophers about the meaning of life, about women, about love
Quotes of the great philosophers about the meaning of life, about women, about love

Video: Socrates: Greatest Quotes on Life (Ancient Greek Philosophy) 2024, June

Video: Socrates: Greatest Quotes on Life (Ancient Greek Philosophy) 2024, June

Philosophy is nothing but a love of wisdom and a sincere desire to know the truth. That is why, among the many sayings, quotes by great philosophers occupy a special place. They can briefly and accurately answer the most important eternal questions: “What is being?”, “What is the meaning of life?” and "Who is who in this world?" The article will consider the most striking statements of such masters of words and thoughts as Aristotle, Vernadsky Vladimir Ivanovich, Voltaire, Plato, Omar Khayyam (and other great philosophers). Their quotes are filled with meaning that has not lost its relevance over time. Moreover, they will not lose popularity in the future. For all centuries, the world remains the same, and this can not be changed.

Confucius (Kun Tzu): quotes about the meaning of life and other aspects of being


The famous Chinese philosopher is a great creator of sayings like religious attitudes. And this is not surprising, because he has always been a supporter of the formation of a harmonious society. The main feature of Confucius's statements is simplicity, which allows you to effectively inspire any person.

His quote, “If we know so little about life, what can we know about death?” reflects the incomplete awareness of modern society about all aspects of life. This is brilliant, because a person will never become so domineering as to be confident in his essence or even in tomorrow.

The theme of great feeling pops up in his teachings quite rarely, but nevertheless fully shows the contradictory euphoria that is caused by love. “Happiness is when they understand you, great happiness is when they love you, real happiness is when you love, ” Confucius says. How accurately said, because everyone at the end of the path is aware of the choice made earlier. And a spiritual tragedy happens if one gets the feeling that there is a lover nearby, who has been taking his beloved for life.

Pythagoras as the founder of the first school of philosophical knowledge in history


Quotations from great philosophers often give a strong impetus to public figures to achieve their goals. Proof of this are the sayings of the ancient Greek teacher Pythagoras, who won incredible popularity also in the field of mathematical knowledge. “The beginning is half the whole, ” he remarks most definitely.

Pythagoras' thoughts about women are forced to be delighted, for to enclose the whole essence in a short statement is the highest degree of skill. “A woman who gives herself in her love finds in her bestowal her highest rebirth, her crown and her immortality.”

Pupil of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle - talented Plato

Quotes of great philosophers often prompt society to do well for themselves and others. “The book is a dumb teacher, ” Plato mused. No one dares argue that it is impossible to overestimate the value of a good book in society. It is thanks to this source of knowledge that everyone can not only become better, but also attain unthinkable heights in their own endeavors, which will have a very positive effect not only on development, but also on many aspects of social activity.

It is important to note that the philosopher has a very original idea of ​​the relationship between people. How right he is! “Trying to make others happy, we find our own, ” Plato notes. It is caring in others and a sincere desire to give that gives rise to real feelings, whether it be love or friendship.

Ancient Greek master of words and thoughts Aristotle


Quotes about the love of great philosophers in the modern world play a huge role for many people, because to learn the art of true feeling, one’s own mistakes are not enough. “Love is a theorem that needs to be proved every day, ” Aristotle teaches. He is right, for there is no exalted feeling without actions confirming devotion. And let them be simple, but real: deliciously prepared tea, a warm blanket, the joint enjoyment of the incredible sound of the piano or a close look into the eyes that does not require words because of absolute understanding.

“Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the sole purpose of human existence, ” proclaims the great master of thought. Each person perceives this value in his own way: for some, happiness in the family, for someone in his favorite activity, someone is crazy about travel, while others add all the components together and enjoy the life course.

Socrates's peculiar approach to explaining the most important teachings

Quite often quotes by philosophers about life and the human attitude to it make us think about the main thing - what is happiness? “He is the richest who is satisfied with the small, for such contentment testifies to the wealth of nature, ” Socrates explains the situation. This statement once again proves that only a person with a “sun” inside can be honored not only to enjoy happiness, but also to share it with others. For some, even chocolate pancakes made by the whole family will bring a piece of warmth to the soul. For others, stars from heaven are not enough to find harmony with oneself.

In his teachings Socrates is distinguished by the absolute truth of his judgments. “Treat your parents the way you would like your own children to treat you, ” he says. After such words, each person immediately compares the statement with his behavior towards his parents. It’s great if after such thoughts a smile appears on the face. But it is worth considering if regret arises.

Russian thinker Vernadsky Vladimir Ivanovich. Quotes about the meaning of life and the development of modern society


A public figure and a brilliant thinker of Russia without fail subjected his judgments to a detailed analysis. He always proved his thoughts in a scientific way. Therefore, his statements have great weight not only in the field of philosophy, but also in other sciences.

"Socialism is always based on the subordination of personality to the welfare of the majority." How well-known philosopher of the 20th century is clearly explained. This process in the Soviet Union bore a call for social equality, freedom and justice. Such a social system is theoretically optimal and even ideal. But behind the screen of beautiful sayings, as a rule, there is a secluded place for infringement. Thus, in the heyday of socialism, people may have lived wonderful, but many did not understand that this happiness was imposed from above, and they did not have the right to express their own opinion on this or that occasion.

Francois Marie Aruet (Voltaire) - an outstanding thinker of his time


Quotations from great philosophers often show a person true self. “Infinitely small people have infinitely great pride, ” notes the famous thinker. After reading this statement, everyone immediately subdivides into three categories. Some ignore this moment, others try to come up with an excuse for themselves, while others, the most literate, understand that they are doing everything right in life. They do not hide their true face behind a mask of pride, if only because they do not know how to do it. Such people are by far the happiest.

Voltaire also conveyed very interesting thoughts to society about women. “The strength of women is the weaknesses of men, ” he says.

Reflections of the Eastern philosopher Omar Khayyam