
The colored river Canyo Crystals in Colombia captivates with its shades

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The colored river Canyo Crystals in Colombia captivates with its shades
The colored river Canyo Crystals in Colombia captivates with its shades

Caño Cristales is a stunning little river flowing through the Sierra de la Macarena National Park in the Meta department in Colombia, which has an amazing variety of shades. Attracting Colombian tourists, this exceptional phenomenon is explained by the presence of special plants in the river. It is they who give the water such an original color. These endemic algae grows along the Canyo Kristales bed, creating unimaginable color effects.


This natural wonder attracts many tourists to the region. These are mainly residents of Colombia. But, as expected, over time, tourists from other countries will come here. Indeed, nowhere else in the world will you see such a unique phenomenon that the colorful river of Caño Cristales offers to capture for its visitors.

River of five colors

El rio mas bonito del Mundo, the most beautiful river in the world, the "river of five colors", "the river of the rainbow" or even "escape from paradise" - these bright names Colombians give Canyo Cristales. Such epithets reflect the indescribable charm of this natural work of art. The river looks like the creation of a brilliant artist who depicted her abstract image with the help of many colors and shades.

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The mouth of the waterway is located in the heart of the national park, 150 kilometers south of Bogota. The photographs taken here are exciting. The river looks like it is not on Earth, but in some other imaginary, fantastic reality.

Features of the tropical river

For most of the year, Caño Cristales is a small stream that descends along rocky shores between giant rock boulders. The river quickly becomes full during the rainy season. But gradually it dries up, decreasing to the size of a small brook. This is a typical occurrence in these tropical regions. River flows usually decrease at the end of the rainy season. This is the time when the river turns into a celebration of flowers.


Since the end of July, when the water level finally drops, Macarena clavigera, an endemic aquatic plant, finds ideal conditions for development and growth in the river. Clutching dark cliffs tenaciously, it dissolves its thick pink shoots, effectively contrasting with the amber and highly mineralized stream of water. The river contains yellow sand, which also gives it a special shade. It shines through the water between the green reflections of trees and the azure shades of the sky.

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Blending into a single image, bright colors create an indescribable beauty in sight. This unique phenomenon is worthy of the attention that tourists pay to it.

History of the reserve

The Sierra de la Macarena National Park was established in 1971 to preserve this vital biological and geological region. But this intersection point, on which different types of plants and animals concentrated on the plateaus of the Guiana, Amazonian and Orinoco Basins, was closed for several years during the occupation of the region by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.


Over the past four to five years, the protection of the park has intensified, so it has become completely safe here. This contributed to the fact that many tourists began to flock here every year. The vibrant river attracts more Colombian visitors. But if you come here at a time when the water turns bright purple shades, you can take breathtaking photos. This you will not see anywhere else in the world.