
Far Eastern leopard - a big cat on the verge of extinction

Far Eastern leopard - a big cat on the verge of extinction
Far Eastern leopard - a big cat on the verge of extinction

Video: The Amur Leopard | Planet Earth | BBC Earth 2024, July

Video: The Amur Leopard | Planet Earth | BBC Earth 2024, July

The Far Eastern leopard is divided into three species: Korean, Amur and Manchu. Many scientists consider it one of the most beautiful leopard species. It combines beauty, grace, cunning, strength, flexibility and dexterity. It is regrettable to realize this, but these beauties are on the verge of extinction. Today in the wild there are no more than 30 individuals, about 300 more animals live in zoos in the USA, Russia and Europe.

The Far Eastern leopard lives in China, as well as in the Far East. Due to the fact that this species, just like a black leopard, is on the verge of extinction, hunting for it is prohibited by law. For poaching in Russia, a fine of 500, 000 rubles, as well as imprisonment for a term of 2 years, is assumed. In China, the death penalty is applied for the leopard killing.

The northern subspecies prefers forests of the Manchu type, with watersheds, hills, and rocks. Weight is 50 - 70 kg, body length - 110 - 140 cm, tail - about 90 cm - this is how the Far Eastern leopard looks. Photos of these beauties can only be done in reserves and zoos. In the wild, they almost never occur. In summer, the hairline reaches only 2.5 cm, and in winter leopards dress in luxurious fur coats, the length of the pile reaches 6 cm.


These cats have excellent eyesight, they can see at a distance of 1.5 km. They do not complain about hearing and smell, so leopards are recognized as one of the most skilled hunters. Predators look for food after dark. The main diet is roe deer and sika deer; for lack of a better one, there is also a hunt for the Manchu hare, raccoon dog and badger. The Far Eastern leopard either attacks from an ambush or imperceptibly creeps up to the victim. He walks inaudibly, avoiding dry branches. Prefers to walk on stones, roots or traces of game.


This feline representative is not used to long hunger strikes. A half-month old leopard or a roe deer is enough for a leopard; if you don’t want to hunt at all, the predator can last 25 days. The Far Eastern leopard is by nature a loner, only in the mating season he is looking for a mate, this period falls on January. After a three-month pregnancy, small spotted kittens appear. The female arranges for them a den in crevices, caves and other secluded places. Little leopards stay with their mother for up to two years, together they hunt game. Big cats reach puberty in 2.5 - 3 years.


Previously, the main reason for the reduction of Far Eastern leopards was their incompatibility with tigers, but now this problem does not seem so serious. The extinction of this species is primarily to blame for man. Because of the massive poaching, there are so few leopards left. Not the last role was played by the violation of the habitat. Logging, forest fires, the laying of railways and highways - all this could not but affect the number of Far Eastern predators. In connection with human activities, the number of ungulates has been significantly reduced, namely they are the main food for leopards. All this slowly but surely leads to the death of these beautiful animals.