
Daniil Leonidovich Andreev: biography, photos and interesting facts

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Daniil Leonidovich Andreev: biography, photos and interesting facts
Daniil Leonidovich Andreev: biography, photos and interesting facts

Daniil Leonidovich Andreev - Russian poet, writer, philosopher and mystic. The son of the famous writer Leonid Andreev. Received popularity largely due to the mystical composition "Rose of the World." Today we will get acquainted with the biography of this interesting person.



Andreev Daniil Leonidovich became the second son of Leonid Nikolaevich (a famous writer) and Alexandra Mikhailovna Andreev. It is interesting to note that the mother of the future writer was the granddaughter of Taras Shevchenko. Daniil Andreyevich was born on November 2, 1906 in Berlin. Just a few days after his birth, Alexandra Mikhailovna died of postpartum fever. The father, shocked by the death of his wife, blamed the newborn for everything, as a result of which the grandmother (Alexandra Mikhailovna's mother) Efrosinya Varfolomeevna decided to take Daniel to Moscow. There, he falls into the family of his aunt, Elizabeth Mikhailovna Dobrova, whose husband was a famous doctor.

As a child, Daniil Andreevich Andreev was sick a lot. Several times he was literally in the balance of death. At the age of six, the boy fell ill with diphtheria and infected her beloved grandmother with it. Efrosinya Varfolomeevna was no longer able to fight the disease and died. Soon, in a dacha near St. Petersburg, the boy was about to drown to see his mother and grandmother. Fortunately, at the last moment he was stopped on a bridge over a local river.

Based on the fact that the child was constantly sick and even tried to commit suicide, it seems that no one was engaged in him in the aunt's house. In fact, it was completely different. Aunt and husband accepted Daniel as their own son, surrounding him with care and attention. In those days, the Dobrovy House was one of the cultural (musical and literary) centers of Moscow. Here came I.A. Bunin, A.N. Scriabin, V.I. Chaliapin and many others. At least the fact that the godfather of Daniel was Maxim Gorky testifies to the authority of the family. The atmosphere of the house had a beneficial effect on the boy and prompted him to love literature.

In 1915, nine-year-old Daniel wrote his first poem, The Garden. In the same year, his first stories were born, first “The Journey of Insects”, and then “Life of antediluvian animals”. In addition, as a child, a novice literary critic wrote a huge epic, the actions of which developed in the interplanetary space that he personally invented. On the walls of his room, the boy painted portraits of the rulers of the dynasty he invented. Their dimensions approximately corresponded to the dimensions of the child himself.


Training and insight

In the fall of 1917, the novice writer entered the school of E. A. Repman, in which he studied until 1923. The following year he entered the Bryusov Literary and Art Institute. Around the same time, Andreev began work on the work "Sinners." In 1926, he joined the Union of Poets, which lasted until 1929.

In August 1921, 15-year-old Daniel, walking through the squares surrounding the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, saw a picture of the Heavenly Kremlin. He wrote about this in the 1st chapter of the 2nd book from the series “Roses of the World”. The next event of this order occurred in 1928 during Easter. While in the Church of the Intercession in Levshin, the writer, poet, and now the mystic saw world history in the form of a single mystical stream.


In late summer 1926, the young author Daniil Leonidovich Andreev married Alexandra Gubler, with whom they studied at the Higher State Courses in Literature. The wedding took place at the Assumption Enemy, in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word. In February of the following year, the couple officially divorced, and Andreev stopped attending literary courses.

In 1928, the writer published the poem "Red Moscow", continued to work on the novel "Sinners" and began to write a series of "Catacombs." He spent the summer of this year in Tarusa.

Prewar years

In the 40s of the last century, Andreev worked as a type designer, wrote advertisements and other inscriptions. Nevertheless, he devoted most of his time to literature. In 1930, the writer began to create the poem "The Solstice". In the summer of 1931, Andreev met M.A. Voloshin. Soon, namely on July 29, on the bank of Neruss, Daniel Leonidovich experienced what he later described as a breakthrough in cosmic consciousness.


In the period from February to March 1932, the writer was engaged in literary editing, and then got a job as head of the social sector of the newspaper at one of the Moscow plants. In the summer of 1932, a collection of poems "The Poet's Diary" was born. It is noteworthy that literally within a year the author destroyed this collection. In 1933, Daniil Andreevich Andreev began to write an essay, The Contours of the Preliminary Doctrine, which remained incomplete, as well as the cycle The Foothills. In the fall of 1934, the poet visited Koktebel and wrote the poem “The Tomb of M. Voloshin”.

In 1935, the writer joined the Moscow city committee of graphic designers. At the beginning of September of the same year, the “Chant” of the poem entitled “Song of Mansalvat” was born, which will be completely completed in three years. In 1937, E.P. Peshkova recommended Andreev to turn to Stalin with a request to assist in the return of his brother, V. L. Andreev, from exile. In the fall of the same year, the writer began writing a novel about the spiritual searches of the intelligentsia in those days, “Wanderers of the Night, ” which was conceived as an “epic of the spirit” in the context of the era. The novel approached its completion only in 1947.

Second marriage

In the spring of 1937, Andreev met Alla Ivasheva-Musatova, who will become his second wife after 8 years. Later, Alla Alexandrovna will be convicted with her husband, and released a year earlier than he. The second wife became a support for the writer in the war years, years of imprisonment and in difficult years after. She preserved her legacy and contributed to the publication of his main works at the end of the twentieth century. Later, for 15 years, she was the wife of Evgeny Belousov, the son of the famous writer I. A. Belousov.



In the spring of 1941, F. A. Dobrov died, whom Daniil Leonidovich considered his adoptive father. In the early years of the Second World War, Andreev worked on the poems "Yantari" and "Germans" (was never completed), and completed the cycle of poems "Catacombs". In July 1942, E. M. Dobrova died, who was for Andreev a mother.

In the fall of 1942, the writer was drafted into the army. In January 1943, he joined the besieged Stalingrad in the ranks of the 196th Infantry Division. At the front, Andreev was a graphic designer, a nurse and was a member of the funeral team. For good service, the writer was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad." On June 25, 1945, Andreev was recognized as a disabled person of World War II of the 2nd group.

After the war, the poet returned to Moscow and got a job as a graphic designer in the museum of communications. On November 4, 1945, he officially married A. A. Ivasheva-Musatova.


At the beginning of 1947, the writer completed the novel “Wanderers of the Night” and began to ponder the second part of the proposed trilogy, which would be called the “Heavenly Kremlin” and embodied the writer’s front-line experience.

On April 21, 1947, due to the denunciation and the novel The Wanderers of the Night, Andreev was convicted under article 58. Accused of anti-Soviet propaganda and terrorist intentions, Daniel Leonidovich received 25 years in prison, which at that time was the death penalty in the USSR. In addition to the writer himself, his relatives suffered from the arrest. 19 relatives and friends of Andreev were sentenced to imprisonment from 10 to 25 years in forced labor camps. All the books of Daniil Leonidovich Andreev, written before the conclusion, were destroyed by the MGB.


In November 1948, Daniil Leonidovich was escorted from Lefortovo to Vladimir Prison (the same “Vladimir Central”). Despite the conclusion, Andreev continues to be actively engaged in writing literary works. In 1950, he completed the poem "Nemerecha", which was begun in the 37th. In December 1950, the poem "Symphony of a City Day" was written. At the end of the same month, with a one-day difference, Andreev began working on The Iron Mystery and The Rose of Peace.

In 1951, the writer worked on “Morning Oratorio” and “The Death of Grozny”. The following year, he began working on the first version of the book “Russian Gods” and wrote the poem “Rukh”. In 1953, novels were added for the book “The Newest Plutarch”, which Andreev wrote with his cellmates, physiologist V. Parin and historian L. Rakov. In the fall of 1953, before moving to another chamber, the writer Daniil Leonidovich Andreev experienced mystical experiences, which, as he will later say, were unprecedented in their grandeur.

In November 1954, Andreev wrote in the name of G. M. Malenkov, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a statement in which he once again refused the unconditional acceptance of the Soviet system, in view of the “absence of genuine democratic freedoms”. At the end of the same year, Andreev suffered a myocardial infarction. In 1955, he worked on the poems The Demons of Retribution and Navna. February 8, 1956, a cousin of Dmitry Leonidovich - A.F. Kovalenskaya - died in a camp hospital. In May of that year, the writer finished the work “The Iron Mystery”. And on August 10, 1956, his wife was released from the camp. A few weeks after her release, the Commission of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree according to which the sentence under article 58 was reduced to 10 years in prison.

On August 24, 1956, for the first time during his arrest, the poet Daniil Andreev met with his wife in Vladimir Prison. On April 23 of the following year he was released from custody. On June 21, 1957, the charges against Andreev were completely canceled, and on July 11 he was rehabilitated.


Last years

In the summer of 1957, Daniil Andreev, who had pneumonia, first met his older brother Vadim after more than 40 years of separation. Since November 57th, Andreev lived with his wife in Moscow. Around the same time, his status as a disabled person of the second group was restored, which involves receiving a pension, in the amount of 347 rubles. On November 30, 1957, a cousin of the writer, A.F. Dobrov, dies. At the end of the 57th, together with Z. Rakhim Andreev, he worked on the translation of the Japanese stories by Fumiko Hayashi, which were included in the Six Stories publication.

On February 12, 1958, Daniel Leonidovich Andreev sent a letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU asking him to familiarize himself with his poetry. According to the writer, living hiding his work from people is simply unbearable for him. On February 26 he was summoned to the Central Committee. The conversation with the authorities gave the writer hope that in the future his works could be published. In addition, soon he even received material assistance from the Writers' Union.

In the spring of 1958, Andreev was hospitalized with exacerbation of angina pectoris and atherosclerosis. On June 4, he married his wife Alla Andreeva in the Church of the Robe Deposition. After the wedding, the couple went on a trip by boat from Moscow to Ufa and back. At the beginning of July of that year, the writing of the eleventh book of the treatise “The Rose of the World” came to an end. By mid-autumn, the treatise was fully completed. Then the writer completed work on the collection of poems "The Legend of Yarosvet" and the poem "Inside Out of the World."

On the night of October 18-19, 1958, Andreev wrote a poem, which was called "Once upon a time in the prime of life …". In it, the poet prayed for the salvation of his manuscripts. The following month, a cycle of poems was compiled by Daniil Leonidovich Andreev, called “Svyatorussky Spirits”. On November 14, returning from the Hot Key, the writer again goes to the hospital.

At the end of January 1959, A. Andreeva was awarded a warrant for a room in a communal apartment on Leninsky Prospekt. Here Andreev, tormented by constant heart attacks, lived the last month and a half of his life.

March 30, 1959 Daniil Leonidovich died. On April 3, Archpriest Nikolai Golubtsov sang the writer in the Church of the Deposition of the Deposition on Donskaya. Andreev was buried in the Novodevichy cemetery near the grave of his mother.



During the life of the poet, prose writer, mystic and philosopher, Daniil Leonidovich Andreev, whose photos perfectly illustrate his thoughtfulness, not one of the author's works of art has ever been published. The only exception is the book "Remarkable Researchers of the Mountainous Central Asia" published in collaboration with S. N. Matveev.

Dying at 52, Daniil Leonidovich did not have much to say and do. The main thing he dreamed about, but did not have time to, was to build a school for ethically gifted children and meet with his readers. More than three decades after the death of the writer, his wife secretly kept the manuscripts, fearing that at one point they could be destroyed again. The main work of Daniil Leonidovich Andreev - “The Rose of the World” was published only in 1991, almost before the fall of the Soviet regime. This is an amazing way the biography of Daniil Andreev has developed. In the life of the writer there were many ups and downs, strong feelings and disappointments, amazing visions and insignificant humiliations. But despite this, he always remained unconvinced.