
Darwin (Australia): City of Contrasts

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Darwin (Australia): City of Contrasts
Darwin (Australia): City of Contrasts

Video: Australia's Northern Territory: From Oceans to Outback 2024, July

Video: Australia's Northern Territory: From Oceans to Outback 2024, July

Darwin is the capital of the northern territories of Australia. In this area, it is considered the most densely populated, but among the capitals of the country - the smallest. Darwin (Australia) is the only city in the country to have been bombed during World War II. Buildings were rebuilt one more time, after a devastating cyclone in 1974. Now Darwin is considered a very modern architectural city.

History of the city

The territory was inhabited by natives even before the times of European colonization. Here they traded with other parts of Australia and Asia. In the XVII century, the European’s foot first entered the northern lands of the country - the Dutch arrived.


They compiled the first European maps of the area. The British visited Darwin in Australia in 1839. Captain John Wickham named the port after the famous scientist Charles Darwin, since he sailed on the same ship in early expeditions. Only in 1911 this name was officially approved.

The northern territories were ruled by South Australia until 1901. Then a community was formed. In 1890, the first telegraph pole was installed here, and the city received mail from all over the country.

City climate

Darwin is comfortably located on the shores of the Timor Sea, directly opposite the bay of the same name. Basically, the surface here is low and flat. Along the coast is a series of excellent picturesque beaches.

The climate in the city is tropical, dry and wet seasons are pronounced. The dry season lasts from April to October. At this time, the city is sunny and comfortable. There is almost no rain in these months. As can be seen from the climatogram of Darwin (Australia), the coldest months in the city are June and July.


The temperature can drop to +14 ° C. Frosts were not registered here.

The rainy season in Darwin is tropical cyclones and monsoons. From December to March, the highest rainfall occurs. Rains do not go round the clock without stopping - they are often replaced by sunny days. November is considered the hottest month of the year on the northern part of the Australian continent.

Darwin City (Australia): Population

According to the 2010 census, the population of the city is 127, 500 people. The strongest growth was noted in the postwar years. This is due to the fact that many European nations migrated to the cities of this continent. In the 60s of the XX century, a wave of migration of Greeks and Italians swept Darwin. Currently, there is a flow of migrants from Southeast Asia. More than 18% of the inhabitants of the city were born outside its borders. But the natives do not leave the city either - there are almost 10% of them.

How to get to Darwin in Australia?

Of course, the most convenient and fastest way to get to the city is by plane. The airport is located 13 km from the center. To get from the airport to the city will help special shuttles, they meet every arriving flight. Fans of speed and comfort can take a taxi.

The city does not have a suburban railway connection. But train lovers can not be upset, for them there is a train "Gan", following from Adelaide. The ticket price is high, but all tourists are very pleased with the impressions of the trip.

Darwin is connected to Port Augusta by the Stuart Highway. It crosses the whole country from north to south.

Hotels, shops and restaurants

Darwin (Australia) welcomes guests, offering them more than a hundred hotels to choose from. Three-star hotels are in great demand, with check-in prices starting at $ 50 per day.


Four-star hotels offer prices starting at $ 350 per day. Among hotels, Value is popular. Tourists love this place for reasonable prices and convenient location, proximity to the sea.

Can't imagine a vacation without shopping? Darwin will delight you with its many shopping centers, shops and markets. In addition to magnets and ordinary souvenirs, you need to bring home a kangaroo leather product. Shopaholics also get shoes here, because Darwin is famous for its quality.

The national didgeridoo instrument will be a great reminder of the trip. A tube of eucalyptus will cost about ten dollars.

Restaurants in the city are famous for their diversity; there is something to surprise lovers of Japanese, Chinese, German, Russian and, of course, Australian cuisine.