
The demographic picture of the population will completely change by 2100. China will not come first

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The demographic picture of the population will completely change by 2100. China will not come first
The demographic picture of the population will completely change by 2100. China will not come first

Video: The world’s population is set to shrink - a cause for concern or relief? 2024, July

Video: The world’s population is set to shrink - a cause for concern or relief? 2024, July

The world is constantly changing, and every year faster. Moreover, the changes concern absolutely all spheres of life. By the end of this century, the world will look completely different: by 2100, 11 billion people will live on the planet, and China will not be the leader in terms of population.


Of the dozens of leading countries in terms of population, Russia, Brazil, Mexico and Bangladesh will disappear. African countries will take their place, and 50% of the children of the whole world will be born on the Black Continent. Africa holds the birth rate.

Half a billion people in Nigeria


According to UN forecasts, the largest population growth is expected in Nigeria. Now there are about 206 million people living there, by the end of the century they will be half a billion more - 733 million. This country will occupy the third and third place, now it is the seventh.

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China is in the red, India is in the black

Now in first place in terms of population is China. 18% of the world's people live in this country (1.4 billion). By the end of the century, only 1 billion people will remain in China.


India is advancing on the heels of the Middle Kingdom. Now this country is in second place, 1.38 billion people live in it, by the end of the century it will be 1.45, so India will be on the first line.


Europe and America

There are 331 million people in the United States, an increase to 447 is expected at the end of the century. In Europe, the situation is uneven across countries. In the UK, France, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark a slight increase is expected. And in Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Austria, Greece, Portugal they predict a reduction in the population. If we talk about Europe as a whole, then there is a noticeable downward trend.

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And what about Russia?

In Russia, the population continues to decline. According to UN forecasts, by 140, only 140 million people will remain in Russia. For comparison: at the beginning of 2019, Rosstat provided the figure of 146 million. And by the end of the century, 124 million will remain in our country, and according to the pessimistic scenario, by 2078, there will be 99.7 million Russians.