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Day of the Lame Duck, Polar Bear and Battery: The Strangest Events Celebrated in February

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Day of the Lame Duck, Polar Bear and Battery: The Strangest Events Celebrated in February
Day of the Lame Duck, Polar Bear and Battery: The Strangest Events Celebrated in February

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The world is full of dates dedicated to professions, events, events, and individuals. Someone celebrates them, others do not even know about their existence. We think this is unfair. Moreover, in February there are a lot of really interesting events.

Our smaller brothers


These days are dedicated to one or another animal. On February 1, home serpentarium owners celebrate the feast of snakes. These creatures left their mark on religion, culture, traditions of different nations, it is not surprising that in the year there is a day when they are revered. On February 2, sled dogs are celebrated around the world, throwing them a treat, on the 3rd - golden retriever, on the 27th - polar bears. Do not forget about your animals, they are what makes our life richer.

Nutella Day

Perhaps this is the most “delicious” holiday of the year. On February 5, you can enjoy plenty of nut paste, justifying your behavior by the fact that there is a memorable event on the calendar. Celebration is best done with company and delicious cocoa.

Lame Duck Day


A very interesting event that is not related to the animal world. It is celebrated on February 6th. This is a political term that means an autocrat incapable of continuing the struggle for the post. Bill Clinton was called the “Lame Duck, " who had 140 people, including his brother, pardoned before leaving.

Toothache day

We do not know for what reason they generally established this event, celebrated on February 9th. Probably all the people who celebrate it fall into two categories - dentists and those who have already cured their teeth.

Finger battery day


The invention of a compact energy carrier led to a real technological revolution around the world. Remember to remember the creator of the battery, Alessandro Volta, on February 19th.