
Deputy Alexander Zhukov: biography, activities, family

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Deputy Alexander Zhukov: biography, activities, family
Deputy Alexander Zhukov: biography, activities, family

Video: Georgy Zhukov - Biography of Soviet Marshal and General who defeated Hitler 2024, July

Video: Georgy Zhukov - Biography of Soviet Marshal and General who defeated Hitler 2024, July

Deputy Alexander Zhukov went an interesting life. He works hard and productively, is open to communication with the press, but prefers to do, rather than talk. Zhukov is a model of a statesman of the new time who has gone from an ordinary deputy to a politician of the highest level of government.


The origins

June 1, 1956 in Moscow was born a boy Alexander Zhukov. His family had noble roots. The father of the future statesman is a famous writer who worked in the genre of historical tales, and was also a specialist in Yugoslav drama. The famous fighter with the Ziono-Masonic conspiracy, the chairman of the Serbian society and a former KGB officer divorced Alexander’s mother almost immediately after the birth of his son, and Sasha grew up with his grandparents.

Years of study

Alexander Zhukov studied at Moscow school No. 444 with a mathematical bias, and from the age of 7 he was seriously engaged in chess. After school, he easily entered Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov, majoring in economics and mathematics, graduated from the university in 1978. While studying, he continued to play chess for the university team and passed the standards for the title of master of sports. Later, Alexander studied at higher economic courses at the State Planning Commission of the USSR. And also in 1991 he received a diploma from Harvard University in the field of "Currency, tax and customs legislation."


Economist career

After graduating from Moscow State University in 1978, Alexander Zhukov joined the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for System Research. At this time he entered the ranks of the Communist Party of the USSR, this was an indispensable condition for a successful career, and Alexander intended to move up the career ladder. He left the party in 1991, when the state suspended its activities. In 1980, he transferred to work at the USSR Ministry of Finance, the main currency economic department, where he worked as a research fellow. Here Zhukov worked for 11 years, before the time of great changes in the country's economy, gained professional experience and made acquaintances, which subsequently play a role in his life.

In 1991, Alexander Dmitrievich, thanks to the privatization of a large state-owned enterprise, became vice president of Avtotraktoreksport.

In subsequent years, Alexander Dmitrievich continued to work as an economist of the highest level: he was a member of the board of directors of the East-West investment bank, and since 1998 - a member of the supervisory board of Sberbank.


Deputy path

In 1986, Zhukov was elected to the Bauman District Council of People's Deputies. So begins his journey into politics. In 1994, Alexander Zhukov passes to the State Duma of the first convocation - he was nominated from the Preobrazhensky district of Moscow. He is a member of the committee on taxes, banks and finances, works in his specialty, carefully avoiding getting involved in inter-party discussions. In 1995, 1999 and 2003, Zhukov was again elected to the State Duma. One of the campaigns was run by his wife, who says her husband has charisma. In the Duma, Zhukov works as a chairperson of the budget and finance committee, heads the budget committee, and in 2003 becomes the vice speaker.

The Duma of the fifth convocation works without Zhukov, but in the sixth it is re-elected from the Kaliningrad region according to the party lists of United Russia and becomes the first deputy chairman and member of the budget and tax committee.


Work for the good of the state

In 2004, a new statesman appeared in the country - Alexander Zhukov, whose biography and professional activities are now connected with the interests of the country. He was invited to the government of Mikhail Fradkov, whom he had known since the 1980s, and they also worked together at Avtotraktoreksport. He becomes deputy chairman of the government; many political forces, for example, representatives of the LDPR and Yabloko parties, welcomed his arrival in the executive branch. This is explained by the fact that Zhukov has an undeniable talent - to find compromises. In 2004 it was not the first invitation to power, before that he was called to the team of Evgeny Primakov and to the government of Sergey Stepashin, but Alexander Dmitrievich had not seen himself in these positions before.

In the government, Zhukov is a member of the commission on legislative activity, on humanitarian and technical assistance, and on the preparation of administrative reform. During these years, he was a member of the board of directors of Russian Railways and even headed it for some time.

In 2005, Zhukov became deputy chairman of the Presidential Council for the implementation of national projects, while remaining deputy prime minister. In the same year, Fradkov specifies the responsibilities that Alexander Dmitrievich performs: this is the coordination of the work of executive bodies in the field of bills, economic activity, migration, monetary and budgetary activities. In fact, Zhukov receives an extremely wide range of work, but the basis is still the sphere of economy and budget. The new Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov retained his post, concentrating in the hands of Zhukov work in the field of socio-economic development of the country, he also remains in his place under Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In 2010, Alexander Zhukov was elected chairman of the Olympic Committee.

In 2011, Zhukov returned to work in the State Duma.

For his activities, Alexander Dmitrievich was twice awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", the Orders of Friendship and Alexander Nevsky, thanks and diplomas of the President of the Russian Federation.


Social activity

An example of a politician leading an active public life is Alexander Zhukov, whose photo can be seen in photo reports from sports matches, anniversaries, concerts. From 2003 to 2009, he headed the Russian Chess Federation, was the initiator of the creation of a football team of the State Duma, and often acts as a commentator on football matches. Zhukov is a member of the editorial board of the Great Russian Encyclopedia.