
Andrei Gubin left Russia and went to live in Thailand. As it turned out, not one

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Andrei Gubin left Russia and went to live in Thailand. As it turned out, not one
Andrei Gubin left Russia and went to live in Thailand. As it turned out, not one

Surely everyone remembers this charming guy with huge brown eyes, bursting onto the stage with the song "Tramp Boy".

Popular in the 90s, singer Andrei Gubin, who turns 45 this year, left the scene more than ten years ago due to health problems.

New plans

However, according to some sources, the author and performer of songs gave his fans hope that he could return to the stage. Together with his producer Taras Vashchishin, Andrei Gubin began work on new tracks - after all, he is approaching a round date. But unexpectedly, according to the producer, his plans changed, and he decided to leave for Thailand and settle there. For several months now the singer has been in this country.


According to Taras Vashchishin, they never finished working on new tracks, since Andrei is no longer interested in creativity, and he no longer maintains a connection with the singer after his departure to Thailand.

Flight to Thailand

Russian tourists who rested in Thailand and noticed there a Russian star of the 90s shared their observations.


So, one of the tourists named Igor noted that Andrei Gubin spends time in the company of a nice slender young blonde who came to Southeast Asia from Ufa. The tourist also added that the girl and Gubin live in different hotels: the blonde was located in the same place as the tourist from Russia, the singer constantly changed his location, but visited the girl on a bicycle daily.

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The Russian tourist shared his impressions that the artist made on him. According to him, Andrei does not suffer from any mental deviations and is quite pleasant in communication.


Igor said that Andrei told him how he had an accident on a bike when he traveled through the provinces of Thailand. Gubin considers the province of Krabi to be his favorite place in Thai, because there are fewer people there. It was in Krabi that Igor’s family met a 90s star.