
The girl was badly cut, but it did her good. Today she is a beauty

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The girl was badly cut, but it did her good. Today she is a beauty
The girl was badly cut, but it did her good. Today she is a beauty

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Video: Christina Aguilera - I'm a Good Girl (from the movie "Burlesque") (Official Video) 2024, June

More recently, Nilanshi Patel from India talked about how she managed to grow her hair 2 meters long. A teenager with the longest curls in the world uses homemade oil to become like Rapunzel. We will talk more about the Nilanshi record in the article.

Nilanshi record


This year, 17-year-old Nilanshi was recorded for the second time in the Guinness Book of Records because she has the longest hair among teenagers. She was glad to break her previous record of 2018, when her curls were 170.5 cm long.


Nilanshi said she spends one hour daily to tidy her hair. The girl lives in a small town Modas (Gujarat, India). She considers her long ringlets a blessing from above and loves them very much. By the way, all the friends of Nilanshi, friends and neighbors gave her the nickname Rapunzel.

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The girl began to grow her curls at the age of 6 years. She wants to break the record for the longest hair in the world for an adult after she turns 18.

What Nilanshi says


In an interview with the Italian television show La Notte dei Record, Nilanshi said: “Once, when I was little, I had a haircut at a hairdresser. But I got a very bad haircut. I did not like her. So, I decided that I would not cut my hair anymore. I made this decision back when I was six years old. Since then it has remained unchanged."

“Later I was afraid to get a haircut. My parents accepted my wishes, and now my curls have turned into my highlight, ”the girl added.