men's issues

"Deagle", gun: description and characteristics

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"Deagle", gun: description and characteristics
"Deagle", gun: description and characteristics

Desert Eagle - the most recognizable pistol in the world. Why exactly him? Weapon trends are rapidly changing, and more advanced models enter the market every year. But in the cinema, the news is not much chased. Therefore, in films you can often find completely impractical, but beautiful models. One of these is the Desert Eagle pistol. Translated from English, it is called "Desert Eagle", another popular name - "Deagle". This model was shot, shot and will be shot in the cinema thanks to its impressive dimensions and stylish design. Today we will find out what the Deagle pistol is and is it as good in life as it is on the screen.



As you know, hunting with short-barreled weapons is very popular in the USA. It is noteworthy that this type of hunting was born not because of the burden of Americans to thrill (although it could not have done without it), but because of completely pragmatic considerations. The fact is that in many areas of the United States, the distance between neighboring houses reaches about half a kilometer and they are scattered across impressive territories. Therefore, when shooting with a rifle, there was a chance of getting into a neighboring house or, even worse, into a neighbor. However, nobody wanted to shoot small animals like squirrels from smooth-bore weapons. So the proliferation began to receive short-barreled hunting weapons, which in the mid-70s became large-caliber, which opened up the possibility of firing at a large beast.


Demand for hunting pistols appeared, and the pistols themselves were extremely few. As for the revolvers, although they were very reliable, they still remained revolvers. Seeing market interest in a powerful large-caliber pistol, Magnum Research began to develop such weapons. The company clearly decided that the new gun should work with the 357 Magnum cartridge. The ammunition was very powerful, so the classic pistol automation scheme did not fit him. To solve this problem, the designers had to work hard. As a result, they found a way out - the use of a gas exhaust circuit, similar to those with which rifles are equipped.

In many sources you can find information that this system was created not by the Americans, but by the Israelis, but this is not so. They will be involved in the production of the Desert Eagle a little later. In 1980, the device was patented, and a year later the first test “Deagle” was born. A pistol in total was created a little less than three years. Despite such lengthy work, the Digla pilot models showed that designers still have work to do. The weapon required very serious improvements, it was capricious in operation and had a small resource.

After the first unsuccessful tests, the Israeli company Israel Military Industries (IMI) joined the work on a powerful pistol. The Israelis were able to bring the gun to acceptable parameters. And this, as a rule, is an even more laborious process than the creation of a fundamentally new model. Therefore, to neglect their merits in the creation of "Deagle" would be extremely incorrect. It took about a year to finish the gun. As a result, the long-awaited Eagle 327 appeared on the market. From the subsequent versions of the model, the first version was distinguished by a frame of light fame and a classic trunk cutting. Soon the frame was replaced with steel, which allowed to increase the resource of the weapon and its weight.


First upgrade

In 1985, the Eagle pistol survived its first restyling. He began to be equipped with a barrel with polygonal cutting. Thanks to this change, the initial speed of the bullet increased slightly, cleaning was facilitated, recoil was reduced, and the service life was increased. Since then, the word Desert was added to the name of the gun.

Second upgrade

Four years later, the gun was finalized again. The new model was named Desert Eagle Mark VII. The gun received a new trigger mechanism, which allows you to adjust the pressure and stroke of the trigger. This innovation has expanded the scope of the "Deagle" - now it could be used in sports shooting.

Another innovation of 1987 was the installation of a dovetail guide on the barrel, which allows you to equip the gun with all kinds of sights. In addition, this version was produced immediately under the three Magnum cartridges: 357, 41 and 44. However, the 41st cartridge soon ceased to be used.

Latest upgrade

In 1995, the production of Desert Eagle was moved to America. Here a year later the most famous version of the pistol was created - Mark XIX. Initially, the model was developed under the 50AE cartridge. There were also options that work with ammunition 357 and 44 Magnum. A new cartridge made of a powerful pistol, a real hand gun. The muzzle energy of the shot was 1500-1800 J. Thus, the weapon began to be suitable for hunting a large beast. Moreover, in the event of a hit, the defeat from the first shot was guaranteed.

By and large, there was no need for such powerful ammunition, since other cartridges also coped with all the tasks of the hunters. However, it was the power of the 50AE ammunition that made the weapon legendary and unique in its kind. The Deagle pistol, whose photo looks very impressive, began to attract directors and scriptwriters, who with pleasure began to arm their heroes with it. In the movie "Desert Eagle" you can see in the hands of a variety of characters, ranging from drug dealers and ending with agents of special services. It is also often found in computer games, the most popular of which are considered to be “Counter Strike” and “Warface”. A review of the Deagle pistol shows that he is not so good, and that’s why.


Practical use

In the movie, "Deagle" was used by many, but in life the police and commandos did not show a desire to take possession of it. Despite the highest ammunition power and ability to handle them, the Desert Eagle pistol had a lot of flaws. Therefore, using it as a weapon for professionals was extremely risky.

The first flaw is visible to the naked eye. This, of course, is a very impressive size and weight. In cinema, they create a frightening effect, and in life they really burden the owner. To carry such a gun secretly, you must either be large yourself, or wear large clothes. Suppose the dimensions of a gun can be hidden, but what about its weight, under which any pocket sags?

To make sure of the first drawback, it is not necessary to use the "Deagle" gun. Photos for this is quite enough. But in order to realize the second drawback of the gun in full, you need to shoot from it. It's about giving back. She is more than solid when firing from the Desert Eagle. However, it is worth noting that if we compare the return of the "Deagle" with the return of revolvers of the same caliber, then our hero will, of course, be softer. The reason for this is the automation system and polygonal cutting of the barrel. These design features, although they reduce the impact, but not significantly. It definitely cannot be called comfortable. However, for a cartridge with such power is not surprising.

The convenience of the weapon is also adversely affected by the width of the handle. For many shooters, confidently picking up a gun in their hand will be problematic. And the big weight and strong return will complicate this task even more. But there is another side to the coin - when shooting with two hands, a wide grip is even more convenient than a narrow one. And again, given the power of the gun, taking it with two hands is not at all shameful, because in life everything is a little different than in the movies.

Large controls with a clear stroke are good, but they again hinder wearing comfortably. The presence of slats for the installation of sights extends the capabilities of the “Desert Eagle”. However, professionals would not equip an already large and heavy pistol with additional devices.



"Deagle" - a gun with serious dimensions and more than a serious cartridge. But for many gunsmiths this is not its main feature. There are no analogs to pistol automation among mass-produced models of short-barreled weapons - this is what is really interesting. Automation "Desert Eagle" works according to the scheme of removal of powder gases from the bore. Thanks to this decision, it became possible to use such powerful ammunition.

The gun has a special hole near the chamber. During the shot, part of the powder gases leaves the barrel through it and begins to put pressure on the piston. The piston, in turn, transmits momentum to the gate frame. Moving back, the shutter rotates and unlocks the barrel bore, locked at four stops. Then, the used sleeve is ejected and the cock is cocked.

During the reverse movement, the new cartridge is sent to the chamber, the bolt rotates again, thereby locking the barrel. After that, the weapon is ready for a new shot. An interesting fact is that the gas exhaust and the barrel are made in one piece. This positively affects the reliability of the gun and its durability. However, this design solution has a drawback. The fact is that this gun is not recommended for use with bullets whose shell ends before the narrowing begins. In this case, the gas outlet may be screwed, and it is rather inconvenient to clean it.

Now let's talk about the ammunition under which the “Desert Eagle” is still being issued.

357 Magnum

The ammunition was developed by Smith & Wesson as a replacement for the obsolete 38 Special cartridge used by the police. Despite the fact that the name of the ammunition shows the difference in caliber, they shoot with the same bullets. Such a measure was taken in order to avoid confusion. The actual diameter of the cartridges is 9.12 mm. The new ammunition differs from the old one only in the length of the sleeve (34.77 mm), which made it possible to increase the weight of the powder and set the bullet to 800 J kinetic energy.

At the same time, recoil also increased, which slightly complicated the promotion of the cartridge in the market and among the police. Nevertheless, by 1950, the “357 Magnum” cartridge had become one of the main for most police departments. At the same time, it began to spread among hunters. Most often it was used when shooting from carbines. But also the short-barreled weapon under this cartridge was popular among hunters. So the ammunition was widespread and many modifications that differed from each other only by a bullet. Despite its age, the 357 Magnum is still in demand.


44 magnum

This ammunition was never combat and was made exclusively for hunting. It was created in 1955 as a powerful alternative to the 357th. In short-arms, the 44th is used, as a rule, for self-defense from wild animals. But if you equip a rifle or carbine with this cartridge, then it goes to a higher level and is recognized as a high-precision ammunition for hunting. Depending on the length, brand of gunpowder, the type of bullet, and the length of the barrel of the weapon, the energy of the cartridge varies between 900-2200 J.

50 AE

Another purely hunting cartridge. If the 44th Magnum can be used at least somewhere, then this 12.7 mm caliber ammunition is overkill. However, they say that it is used to knock out door locks. Well, quite possibly.

Pneumatic version

"Deagle" is a pistol with a big name, which means that he, like many other famous models, has a pneumatic analogue from Umarex. The silhouette of the pistol clearly resembles a combat model, but it cannot be called an exact copy. The Deagle airgun is equipped with a double-action trigger. You can fire as a self-cocking, and with a preliminary cocking of the trigger. The gun has a BlowBack movable shutter mechanism, which gives the shooting entertainment, creates some kind of recoil and adversely affects the consumption of carbon dioxide.

A two-sided fuse, made like a military one, protects the shooter from an accidental shot. The shutter latch and the magazine eject button are made for beauty. When the slide delay lever is shifted, a spring-loaded receiver is displayed forward, in which there is a place for installing a drum-clip. The latter contains 8 bullets "Diablo".

12 gram carbon dioxide cylinders are installed in the handle and clamped by a clamping screw. The system has high leak tightness. A large consumption of CO 2 (one cylinder is enough for 30-40 shots) is associated with the use of BlowBack. Thanks to the use of classic bullets and a rifled barrel, the gun can outshine all competitors in accuracy. The speed of the shot is also pleasing - 130-140 m / s. In addition to the basic version of the pneumatic "Desert Eagle", there is also a nursery, but due to the trimmed dimensions it resembles the original less.

Other model specifications:

  1. Caliber: 4.5 mm.

  2. Magazine capacity: 8 bullets.

  3. Weight: 1100g.

  4. Dimensions: total length - 275 mm, barrel length - 145 mm, plank width - 22 mm.

  5. Materials: barrel - metal, body - metal alloy and plastic.

  6. Power: up to 3.5 J.

  7. Cost: about $ 150.

The gun package includes:

  1. Plastic case.

  2. Instruction

  3. Product Catalog.

  4. Drum clip.

  5. Wrench for clamping screw.

  6. Plank picatini.

DIY dogle toy gun


The Desert Eagle pistol is often found in films and computer games, so many people not only buy its toy versions, but also make them themselves. The most common homemade pistol options are paper and wood models.

How to make a Deagle pistol out of paper? If you show patience and perseverance, then from such straightforward material as paper, you can make an excellent copy of military weapons with the preservation of small details. A paper “Deagle” gun is made using the free Pepakura Designer software. Having loaded the sweep of the gun into it, you can see in what places to glue its individual elements. This begs the question: "How to draw a Deagle pistol?" Don’t worry, the schemes just need to be downloaded and printed.

But how to make a Deagle pistol from wood, because this material is less malleable than paper? Of course, in the wooden version of the gun, there will not be such strict observance of small details. And the Deagle pistol is made of wood in a completely different way. In the simplest version, according to a special template, parts are cut out of plywood, which, when superimposed on each other and glued together, create a three-dimensional model.

Very interesting pistols are also obtained from the Lego constructor. How to make a deagle pistol out of lego? Quite simply, you just need to be creative and stock up on a good designer with an abundance of diverse details. Below in the photo - one of the successful examples of the "Desert Eagle", assembled from "Lego".
