
Wild Tribes of the World: Features of Life, Rites and Traditions

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Wild Tribes of the World: Features of Life, Rites and Traditions
Wild Tribes of the World: Features of Life, Rites and Traditions

Video: African Tribes Traditions & Rituals | Full Documentary 2024, July

Video: African Tribes Traditions & Rituals | Full Documentary 2024, July

These people are not aware of what electricity is and how to drive cars; they live the way their ancestors lived for centuries, hunting and fishing. They do not know how to read and write, and they can die from a common cold or scratch. All this is about the wild tribes that still exist on our planet.

There are not many such communities closed from civilization; they live mainly in warm countries, in Africa, South America, Asia and Australia. Today it is believed that no more than 100 such tribes have survived on the entire planet. Sometimes it’s almost impossible to study their way of life and culture, because they live too isolated and do not want to have contacts with the outside world, or their immune system is not ready to “meet” with modern bacteria, and any disease that a modern person may not even notice, for the savage will be fatal. Unfortunately, civilization is nevertheless “advancing”, uncontrolled felling of trees is carried out almost everywhere, people are still exploring new lands, and wild tribes are forced to leave their lands, and sometimes even go to the “big” world.


This people lives in New Guinea, is found in Melanesia, on the islands of Halmahera, Timor and Alor.

By anthropogenic appearance, the Papuans are closest to the Melanesians, but with a completely different language and culture. Some tribes speak completely different languages ​​that are not even related. Today, their nationwide language is Creole Tok-Pisin.

In total, there are approximately 3.7 million Papuans, with some wild tribes numbering no more than 100 people. Among them there are many nationalities: Bonkins, Gimbu, Ekari, Chimbu and others. It is believed that these people settled Oceania 20-25 thousand years ago.

Each community has a public house called a bambramba. This is a kind of cultural and spiritual center of the whole village. In some villages you can see a huge house in which everyone lives together, its length can reach 200 meters.

Papuans are farmers, the main crops grown are taro, banana, yams and coconut. Harvest is always stored on the vine, that is, it is collected only for food intake. Savages also raise pigs and go hunting.



These are the wild tribes of Africa. Even the ancient Egyptians knew about their existence. They are mentioned by Homer and Herodotus. However, for the first time, the existence of the pygmies was confirmed only in the 19th century, when they were discovered in the Uzle and Ituri river basins. Today, these people are known to exist in Rwanda, the Central African Republic, Cameroon, Zaire and the forests of Gabon. Pygmies can be met even in South Asia, the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia.

A distinctive feature of the pygmies is low growth, from 144 to 150 centimeters. Their hair is curly, the skin is light brown. The body is usually large enough, and the legs and arms are short. Pygmies are isolated in a separate race. No special language has been identified among these peoples; they communicate in those dialects whose peoples live nearby: asua, kimbuti and others.

Another feature of this people is a short life path. In some settlements, people only live up to 16 years. Girls give birth while they are still very young. In other settlements, women were found who have a menopause period of already 28 years. A poor diet threatens their health; pygmies die even from chickenpox and measles.

To date, the total number of this people has not been established, according to some estimates, there are about 40 thousand, according to others - 200.

For a long time, the pygmies did not even know how to make fire, they carried the hearth with them. Engaged in gathering and hunting.



These wild tribes live in Namibia, also found in Angola, South Africa and Botswana, Tanzania.

These people belong to the capoid race, with lighter skin than blacks. The language has a lot of clicking sounds.

Bushmen are practically vagrant, constantly half-starved. The system of building a society does not imply the presence of leaders, but there are elders who are chosen among the most intelligent and authoritative personalities of the community. This people does not have the cult of their ancestors, but they are very afraid of the dead, therefore they conduct a unique burial rite. In the diet there are larvae of ants, the so-called "Bushman rice".

Today, most Bushmen work on farms and have little adherence to their former lifestyle.


These are the wild tribes of Africa (southern part). It is estimated that there are about 10 million Zulus. They speak the Zulu language, the most common in South Africa.

Many representatives of this nationality have become adherents of Christianity, but many keep their own faith. According to the canons of the Zulu religion, death is the result of witchcraft, and the creator created all life on the planet. These people have preserved many traditions, in particular, believers can perform the ablution ceremony about 3 times a day.

The Zulus are quite organized, they even have a king, today it is Goodwill Zvelantini. Each tribe consists of clans, which include even smaller communities. Each of them has its own leader, and in the family this role is played by the husband.

The most expensive ritual of wild tribes is marriage. To take a wife, a man will have to give her parents 100 kilograms of sugar, corn and 11 cows. For such gifts, you can rent apartments in a suburb of Durban, with a gorgeous view of the ocean. Therefore, there are a lot of bachelors in the tribes.



Perhaps this is the most brutal tribe in the world. These people were discovered only in the 90s of the last century.

The life of the wild tribe is very harsh, they still use the teeth and tusks of animals as weapons and tools. These people pierce the ears and noses with the teeth of predators and live in the impenetrable forests of Papua New Guinea. They sleep in trees, in huts, very similar to those that many built in childhood. And the forests here are so dense and impassable that the neighboring villages do not even know about another settlement located a few kilometers away.

A saint is considered a pig, the meat of which cows eat only after the boar is old. The animal is used as a riding pony. Often, the piglet is taken from the mother and raised since childhood.

Women of the wild tribe are common, but sexual contact occurs only once a year, on the remaining 364 days it is not allowed to touch them.

The cow cult thrives on a warrior cult. This is a very hardy people, for several days in a row they can eat only larvae and worms. It is believed that they are cannibals, and the first travelers who managed to reach the settlement were simply eaten.

Now that the cows have learned about the existence of another society, they do not seek to leave the forests, and everyone who gets here tells the legend that if they backtrack on their traditions, there will be a terrible earthquake and the whole planet will perish. Cows and uninvited guests scare away stories of their bloodthirstiness, although so far there has been no evidence of this.


These are real noble warriors of the African continent. They are engaged in cattle breeding, but they never steal animals from neighbors and lower tribes. These people are able to protect themselves from lions and European conquerors, although in the XXI century the pressure of civilization, which is increasingly coming, has led to the fact that tribes are rapidly decreasing in number. Now children graze animals from almost 3 years of age, the entire household is on women, and the remaining men mostly rest or repulse uninvited guests.

It is for this people in the tradition of pulling earlobes and inserting rounded objects the size of a good saucer into the lower lip.



The most bloodthirsty tribes of New Zealand and the Cook Islands. In these places, the Māori are indigenous.

These people are cannibals who terrified more than one traveler. The development path of Maori society has gone in a different direction - from man to animal. The tribes were always located in areas protected by nature itself, additionally carrying out reinforcing work, creating multi-meter ditches and installing a picket fence, on which the dried heads of the enemies flaunted. They are prepared thoroughly, cleaned of the brain, strengthen the nasal and eye cavities and bulges with special tablets and smoked on low heat for about 30 hours.


Wild Tribes of Australia

In this country, a fairly large number of tribes have survived, living away from civilization and having interesting customs. For example, men of the Arunt tribe show respect for each other in an interesting way, giving their wife to a friend for a short time. If the gifted man refuses, then hostility begins between families.

And in one of the tribes of Australia in childhood, boys are incised in the foreskin and pulled out the urinary canal, thus obtaining two genitals.
